Lesson Plan of Solve Real Life Problems Involving H CF and LCM MATHEMATICS Grade V

Lesson Plan of Solve Real Life Problems Involving H CF and LCM MATHEMATICS Grade V Students’ Learning Outcomes · Solve real life problems involving H CF and LCM. Information for Teacher · In continuous division process, from two given numbers, any one is taken as divisor and other is as dividend, and after division, now remainder is taken as divisor and the first divisor is taken as dividend and we repeat division process. The process keep continue until we get the remainder ‘0’ hence the last non zero divisor is called G. C. D. or H CF. · When any number is used to multiply with the set of natural numbers {1, 2, 3, ……}, the product of that number with each of the natural numbers is called multiples of that number, e.g. the multiples of three are : 3(1), 3(2(, 3(3), 3(4(, …. Which are respectively equal to 3, 6, ...