Child Friendly School

                                                                 Child Friendly School

                                               Background Information / Content Description

  What is Child-Friendly School?

 A Child Friendly School or a quality school promotes cooperative and active learning, tolerance, caring, creativity, eliminates corporal punishment and above all, self-esteem of children. It provides education based on the reality of the children lives and works in close consultation with partners. Its works to prevent bullying and other forms of violence in school thus creating a Child Friendly Learning Environment (CFLE)).

   Key Words and Ideas

·        CFS- the child friendly school is a place where the children have desire to come and learn. The environment of school must be healthy, loving and appealing. It is a place where a child is physically and psychologically relaxed.

Personal Hygiene-Personal Hygiene means to adopt neat and healthy habits of life, like keeping body and clothing neat and clean, to avoid spitting; and the blowing of noses at appropriate times and places; and keeping surroundings clean.


              Child Centered School- a child centered school is acting in the best interest of the child, enabling the realization of a child’s full potential, concerned about the “whole” child, and with what happens to children before and after the school.

  Gender Discrimination- traditional believes and about the status and roles of men versus women can restrict girl’s access to schooling and they often are kept at home to do domestic work. This may be reinforced by traditional practices where girls marry at very young ages and leave their native home and parents, see no reason why money should be spent educating them.

Life Skills- the abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable the individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life are called life skills

    Inclusive of all Children- ensuring access to all children regardless of background or ability.


            Gender Sensitive- properly awareness of different needs, roles, responsibilities of boys and girls e. g. provision of adequate and separate toilets at schools.


    Key Dimensions of CFS

Child Friendly School has divided whole school development into following five key areas:
1.       Inclusive of all Children.
2.       Academically Effective.
                                                    3.       Healthy, Safe, Supportive and Protective Environment.
                                                                       4.       Gender Sensitive.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Inclusive of All Children----it:
·         Does not exclude, discriminate or stereotype on the basis of difference.
·         Provide education that is free and compulsory, affordable and accessible, especially to families and children at risk.
·         Respects diversity and ensures equality of learning for all children (e. g, working children, children of ethnic minorities and affected by HIV/AIDS, children with disabilities, victims of exploitation and violence).
·         Responds to diversity by meeting the differing circumstances and needs of children (e. g. based on gender, social class, ethnicity, and ability level).

                                                         Academically Effective-------it:

·         Promotes good quality teaching and learning processes with individualized instruction appropriate to each child’s developmental level, abilities, and learning style and with active, cooperative, and democratic learning methods.
·         Provides structured content and good quality materials and resources.
·         Enhances teacher capacity, morale, commitment, status, and income ---and their own recognition of child rights.
·         Promotes quality learning outcomes by defining and helping children learn what they need to learn and teaching them how to learn.

                         Healthy, Safe, Supportive and Protective of Children------It

·         Ensures a healthy, hygienic and safe learning environment, with adequate water and sanitation facilities and healthy classrooms, healthy policies and practices (e. g. a school free of drugs, corporal punishment and harassment), and provision of health services such as nutritional supplementation and counseling.
·         Provide life skills-based health education.
·         Promotes both the physical and the psycho-socio-emotional health of teachers and learners.
·         Helps to defend and protect all children from abuse and harm.
·        Provides positive experiences for children.

                       Gender – sensitive---It

·         Promotes gender equality in enrolement and achievement.
·         Eliminates gender stereotypes.
·         Guarantees girl-friendly facilities, curricula, textbooks, and teaching – learning processes socialize girls and boys in a non-violent environment.
·         Encourage for each other’rights, dignity and equality.

                   Involvement of Students, Parents and Communities in School Based Management----It

·         Child-centered-promoting child participation in all aspects of school life.
·         Family-focused –working to strength families as the child’s primary caregivers and educators and helping children, parents and teachers establish harmonious relationships.
·        Community-based – encouraging local partnership in education, acting in the community for the sake of children and working with other actors to ensure the fulfillment of children’ rights.










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  1. no doubt child friendly have value able importence in pakistan.child fiendly school need poper attention of the parents. with out the intenton of the parent ,effort of the teacher appeard as fruitless


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