Lesson Plan of Food and Health General Science Grade 1V

                                            Lesson Plan of Food and Health

                                           General Science Grade 1V

                                          Students’ Learning Outcomes


  Differentiate between balanced and unbalanced diet.
           suggest a balanced meal from the given list of food and give reasons to  explain why each food was chosen.
          Explain the effects of unbalanced diet on health.

      Information for Teachers

          Diet which contains all the groups of food (carbohydrates, protein, fast and minerals) in right proportions i.e. according to the needs of body is balanced diet.

          A balanced diet provides us the required energy, keeps us healthy and helps us in growth and repair.

          Diet which does not contain any of the groups of food in right proportion is called unbalanced diet. An unbalanced diet can cause problems with maintenance of body tissues (bones and muscles) brain functions and growth.

          If there is not enough proteins, growth will be affected and the body will not be able to repair itself, wound will not heal properly.

                                                 Duration: 40 minutes


                                         Material / Resources:                                                                                                                     
Picture / chart of balanced diet


Worm up Activity

          Ask the students to think about what they ate last night for dinner. Have a class discussion about the food categories represented in their meals. Discuss what made the meals nutrition.

          Ask the students to explain why some people are concerned about the amount of fatty and sugary foods and drinks that some students eat. Inform them that eating too many fatty foods can lead to heart diseases in their life. Taking too much sugary foods like cakes, biscuits, sweets, chocolate and soft drinks can lead to dental caries.


          Activity 1

1.      Ask the students to see the picture of balanced diet from the book.
2.      Discuss this picture (from the book) with the students.
3.      Refer them to the food pyramid and ask why is this shaped like a pyramid? What does it shoe? (it shows us relative quantities of foods that we need eat)
4.      which food should we eat less? (fatty foods) which foods should we eat the most? (carbohydrates and proteins)
5.      Ask students to compare the proportions of different food categories given the picture in text book.

          Tells the students that a balanced amount of all food groups in our diet is very essential for our healthy life and growth.

          Diet which contains all the groups of food (carbohydrates, protein, fats and minerals) in right proportions i.e. according to the needs of the body is balanced diet.

Activity 2

         Draw this table on board.
          Discuss with students that the mentioned amounts of different food should be present in our daily diet.
        Ask students to work in groups and provide of each food category

Food categories

Adult man
Adult woman


Vegetables and fruits

5 cups (about 400 grams)
3 cups (about 250 grams)
3 cups (about 250 grams)
3 cups (about 250 grams)

2 cups

1 cup

1 cup

1/2 cup
Meats and Beans

1 cup

3 cups
3 cups
3 cups
3 cups
Fats and Oils

1/2 cup
1/2 cup
1/2 cup
1/2 cup

                                                     Sum up / Conclusion

          Recap the importance of balanced diet with the help of picture / chart (from book).
          The learning of balanced diet will lead to the lesson of the basic principles of hygiene.



          Ask the students to draw a circle on paper. They should write the name of food items in the circle. Each student's diagram represent a balanced diet.
          Observe the balanced diet circle developed by students to assess their understanding.
          Teacher is also required to involve the students in solving the problems given in the exercise at the end of unit.

                                                          Follow up

          Ask the students to plan a menu for an entire day. They should choose a variety of foods and include the recommended number of serving from each food group for breakfast, lunch and dinner. For each meal, they will draw the foods (and /or use magazine pictures) and indicate the food groups represented.
          Ask the students to explain whether the day's menu is nutritionally balanced.

Food categories
Bread, cereal, Rice



Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs and Nuts

Milk, Yogurt and Cheese

Fats, Oil and Sweets


  1. Very Informative and useful, Keep it up the great job. You may visit this website as well to learn more about balance diet food.

  2. It is really nice and wonderful blog thanks for sharing us. health write for us


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