Lesson Plan of Needs of Living Things(Air, Water, Food & Sunlight)General Science Grade IV

Lesson Plan of Needs of Living Things

(Air, Water, Food & Sunlight)

General Science Grade IV

Students’ Learning Outcomes

·         Identify factors necessary for both animals and plants to survive.
Information for Teachers
·         Living things are things that are alive. They need food, water and air to stay alive.
·         People, plants and animals are all living things.
·         All organisms need food for energy and growth. Plants can make their food from water and carbon dioxide in the presence of sunlight. Animals can’t make their own food. They eat plants or other animals.

·         Water plays a vital role in the life of animals and plants. The bodies of all organisms consists 70% of water. Water helps in food digestion (in animals), transport of materials and making food(in plants)
·         All living things take oxygen from air and give carbon dioxide to air. Plants use carbon dioxide for the preparation of food.
·         For the preparation of food, plants need sunlight.
·         Animals can see their environment in the presence of sunlight. They need sunlight to get heat.

Material / Resources

Pictures of animals eating food and drinking water, potted plants, polythene bags, textbook

Worm up Activity

·         Ask the students:
1.       How do you know when you are hungry?
2.       Can you live without water?
3.       When we breathe in which important gas is being absorbed by lungs?
4.       Why sunlight is helpful for us?

·         Write their responses on the board and explain them that all these things are important for their life and then introduce other factors which are necessary for both animals and plants to survive.

Activity 1

·         Ask the students, to work in groups and list things they think are necessary for them to live. Ask them to note down as many things as they can.
·         Now ask them to think and discuss in groups. What do plants need to live?
·         After they have listed ask, do plants also need food, air, water and sunlight for living as you need?
·         Repeat the same steps for animals.
·         Could that all animals need air, water, food, shelter and waste, plants are need to sunlight.

Activity 2

·         Ask the students: What happens when you do not get the lunch or dinner at proper time?
(Expected response: We feel weakness)
·         Tell them that food provides us energy and when we don’t get food at proper time we feel weakness due to lack of energy.
·         Tell the students that plants can prepare their own food while human beings and animals can’t prepare their food. They eat plants or other animals as food.
·         Ask them that if they have observed any table or chair eating the food.

Activity 3

·         Show some pictures (like the followings) to the students and ask them to identify the needs of animals shown here.
·         Conclude the activity that all animals need food and water for their survival.
·         Ask the students if they find any difference between the basic needs of animals and plants.
·         Explain the importance of food, water, air and sunlight for animals and plants.

Sum up / Conclusion

All organisms need food for energy and growth. Plants can make their own food from water and carbon dioxide in the presence of sunlight. Animals can’t make their own food. They eat plants or other animals as food.


Activity 1

·         Show some pictures or similar to these pictures to the students as shown below.
·         Ask the students what they know about space. Inform them that these animals are going to the space.
·         Assess students’ understanding by asking them that they why the animals are taking oxygen cylinders with them.

Activity 2

·         Give students some scenario like the following:
1.       We tried growing mustard seeds in pots with cotton wool.
2.       We put some seeds in damp cotton wool and put some other seeds in dry cotton wool.
3.       We put both pots in a sunny and open area.
·         Ask them to guess which seeds would have grown.

Activity 3

·         Show the following or similar pictures to students.

·         Inform them that it has not rained in this area for the last few years.
·         Ask them that what would be the condition of this picture if it rained. 

                                                        Follow up
·         Draw and colour a plant that is receiving all necessary items for plant growth (water, light, air) and another plant that is wilting.


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