Lesson Plan of Expository Paragraph Writing English Grade IV
Lesson Plan of Expository Paragraph Writing
English Grade IV
Students’ Learning Outcomes
Write a simple expository
Information for Teachers
Paragraph is an elementary unit of prose. It is generally
composed of numerous sentences that together improve one central idea. The main
sentence in a paragraph is called the subject sentence.
There are four kinds of
paragraphs that you want to know about: descriptive, narrative, expository, and
In this lesson discussion
will be at expository paragraph.
Expository paragraph: is a paragraph that explains and analyses a
topic giving you information, an explanation facts or a illustration.
Expository comes from the
term expose, meaning, “to reveal”
Expository paragraph, you provide information. You clarify a
subject, give guidelines, or show how somewhat occurs. In expository writing, connecting
words like first, second, then, and finally are generally used to help readers
follow the concepts.
An expository paragraph: explain the process and procedure of
activities or information.
In an expository paragraph we
give information. We explain a subject, give directions, facts and information
about the topic, or show how something happens.
Elements of Expository Paragraph:
Ø The opening sentences need to first identify
the topic of the paragraph.
Ø The body of the paragraph presents specific
information that clarifies and provides examples of the topic.
Ø A closing sentence strongly confirms the topic.
Ø In expository writing, transition words such as
‘next’, ‘again’, ‘later’, ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘then’, and ‘finally’ are usually
used to help readers follow the ideas. Etc.
A paragraph has a main
sentence and then its explanation.
When we write we must put all
sentences about one thing or idea together in a paragraph i.e. every paragraph
talks about just one thing in detail.
Topic sentence:
It is the main sentence or
idea around which the development of the paragraph takes place.
All the paragraphs have an
idea, the whole paragraph moves around the information related to that idea
Ø The main sentence tells what you are writing
about. The middle part of the paragraph contains sentences that follow one
another in a logical sequence of steps.
Ø The final sentence closes the subject with an
emphasis on the final product or process desired by the topic.
Material / Resources
Cut outs of expository paragraphs from
magazines, worksheet chart, chalk/marker, board
Worm up activity
Paste the following
worksheet/chart on the board:
Frogs & Toads
Frogs & Toads are similar,
but they are not exactly the same. Both Frogs and Toads are amphibians. Both
eat insects and lay their eggs in water. A toad spends more time on land than a
Frog. Its body is shorter and wider than a frog’s. Its skin is also thicker and
Ask a student to read the
Ask the students to identify
the main sentence of the paragraph (Frogs & Toads are similar, but they are
not exactly the same).
Don’t correct the students.
Ask their class fellows to give the correct answers.
Underline the detail
sentences and circle the end/Conclusion about the frogs and toads.
Tell the students about the expository
Activity 1
Write an interesting
beginning sentence with the students on the board, e.g.
There are several
things everyone can do to prevent sickness.
Homework helps us revise the
concept learnt in class.
Brain storm for ideas to add
details to continue writing after the first sentence which is the main
Ask the students to give
ideas based on the following questions:
Ø What details must be added?
Ø What facts and information must be given?
Ø What sequence of ideas will be followed to
write the explanation of the topic?
Write all the ideas on the
board in the form of a mind map.(put the main sentence in the middle in a
circle and write ideas about the questions around the circle).
Divide the class in pairs.
Ask the students to write a
small expository paragraph of about 6-7 sentences to explain what can be done to
prevent sickness or how can homework help in revising the concept.
Students take help from the
ideas written on the board. They should write only one paragraph on one topic.
Remind the students of the
structure of the paragraph-the main sentence, the body (details/related ideas)
and the end/Conclusion.
Sum up / Conclusion
Ask the students: Name the
parts of a paragraph.
What details must be added in
a paragraph?
What is an expository
Find the exercise related to
the topic in the text book.
Students must do this
exercise in the notebook or on the textbook.
Once the students have
finished, ask a few students to read out their expository paragraph in class.
Ask the students to give
feedback to each other.
Ask the students to correct
their work in the light of the feedback given by their peers.
Teacher can also give them a
topic of his/her own choice to write an expository paragraph. He/she can remind
students of the main elements that are to be used for writing it.
Follow up
Ask the students to write an
expository paragraph about the second topic that students didn’t do in class.
They can note down the ideas
from the boards in their notebook.
Ask the students to practice
this format for writing information in Science and Social Studies.
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