
Showing posts from August, 2016

What Are Collective Nouns?

What Are Collective Nouns? (With Examples)            A noun: A collective noun is the word which is used to represent a group of people, animals or things . A Noun : as herd, jury, or clergy that seems singular in formal shape but represents a group of persons or objects    whether a collective noun, which is singular in form, is used with a singular or plural verb depends on whether the word is referring to the group as a unit or to its members as individuals. Collective nouns are singular or plural, depending on context: 1.        Collective nouns are groups of individual: Team,    Jury,   Class,   Committee, Army, family etc. 2.        If all members are acting as one unit, treat the collective noun as singular and use a singular pronouns or verb. 3.        If however all members are acting indi...

Lesson Plan of Sounds of Individual Words English Grade V

Lesson Plan of Sounds of Individual Words English Grade V Students’ Learning Outcomes ·          Read aloud for accurate reproduction of sounds of individual words and connected speech. Information for Teachers ·          Reading aloud enables students to listen to the pronunciation patterns and practice pronouncing words and sentences effectively. ·          The student’s attention shifts from pronouncing words and stopping (pausing)   at full stop, commas, exclamation marks and questions marks to read and speak with correct expressions of words and sentences. ·          To make speech flow smoothly the way we pronounce the end and beginning of some words can change depending on the sounds at the beginning and the end of the words. ·          students have...

Lesson Plan of Punctuation Rules and Fluency English Grade V

Lesson Plan of Punctuation Rules and Fluency English Grade V Students’ Learning Outcomes ·          Apply punctuation rules to assist accuracy and fluency in reading. Information for Teachers ·          Punctuation marks are symbols that are used to aid the clarity and comprehension of written language. Some common punctuation marks are the period, comma, question mark, exclamation point, apostrophe, quotation mark and hyphen. ·          A capital letter is used at the beginning of a sentence or for names of people or places. ·          A full stop (.) Is used to show that the sentence has come to an end. A long pause is given when reading a sentence that finishes with a full stop. ·          A comma is used to show a pause in the sentences, or when naming ...