Lesson Plan of Sounds of Individual Words English Grade V

Lesson Plan of Sounds of Individual Words

English Grade V

Students’ Learning Outcomes

·         Read aloud for accurate reproduction of sounds of individual words and connected speech.

Information for Teachers

·         Reading aloud enables students to listen to the pronunciation patterns and practice pronouncing words and sentences effectively.
·         The student’s attention shifts from pronouncing words and stopping (pausing)  at full stop, commas, exclamation marks and questions marks to read and speak with correct expressions of words and sentences.
·         To make speech flow smoothly the way we pronounce the end and beginning of some words can change depending on the sounds at the beginning and the end of the words.
·         students have already learnt the concept of blending sounds, weak forms and minimal pairs as well as the rule of silent ‘R’ at the end of a sentence in previous lessons and their previous class, revise this knowledge.

Material / Resources

Chalk/marker, board, textbook, a chapter or topic for reading from the textbook, colored chalks

Worm up activity

·         Before coming to the class, decide a passage/chapter/topic of the textbook which you will use in this lesson plan for reading.
·         Practice reading it at home so you can show students how to read, how to make use of punctuation to read.
·         Ask the students to open the book on a specific page.
·         You must read fluently with proper blending of sounds and careful use of weak forms.
·         Make students underline the main words in sentences.
·         Divide the class in small groups of five members each,. Group members help each other pronounce the words correctly.
·         Focus must be laid on taking help of pronunciation marks to time pauses.


Activity 1

·         Practice the following weak and full forms with the students. ask the students to work in pairs and write two such examples for and, can, of, have and should in weak forms
·         The teacher must help the students who face any difficulty.
·         And  
      Fish and chips (fish’s chips)
     A chair and a table (a chair ‘n a table)
·         Can
She can speak Chines better than I can
(The first “can” is the weak for, the second the full form)
·         of
A glass of water
That’s the last of the bread!
·         Have
Have you finished? (Weak)
Yes, I have. (Full)
·         Should
Well, you should have told me. (Both “should” and “have” are weak here.

Activity 2

·         Recap students’ knowledge of blending, weak forms, pronunciation of words with ‘ed’ sounds and weak form of ‘r’.
·         Ask students to read aloud to a person sitting on their left keeping in mind all these rules.
·         Ask a few students read the passage aloud in class fluently.

Sum up / Conclusion

·         Ask spellings and pronunciation of different words from the passage.


·         Assess students’ responses on reading aloud and silent reading activity

Follow up

·         Ask students to read the slides that come on news channels. It would help them learn to read quickly with intonation and would give them practice of connected speech.


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