Lesson Planning of Syllables-I Subject English Grade V

Lesson Planning of Syllables-I Subject English Grade V Students` Learning Outcomes Find out how many syllables a word has. Information for Teachers Syllable is a group of letters that has one vowel sound in it. It is the sound of a vowel (a, e, I, o, u) that is created when pronouncing a word. The number of times that you hear the sound of a vowel (a, e, I, o, u) in a word is equal to the number of syllables the word has. One syllable has only one vowel sound in it, as; Cake-has 1 syllable (one vowel sound) Eat- has 1 syllable Cheese- has 1 syllable Eating-has two syllable (eat-ing) =two vowel sounds. Chicken –has two syllable (chick - en) – two vowel sounds Worrying –has three syllables (wor-ry-ing) = Three vowel sounds How to find syllables: Count the number of vowels (a, e, I, o, u, and sometimes y) in the word. Subtract any silent vowels (like the silent \e’ at the end of a word). Subtract 1 vowel from every diphthong ( A diphthong is when...