Lesson Planning of Vowels and Diphthongs Subject English Grade V


Lesson Planning of Vowels and Diphthongs

Subject English

Grade V

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Pronounce and spell long and short vowels and diphthongs as they occur as practice items and sentences in reading lessons and in speech.

Information for Teachers

  • Diphthongs are vowel sounds/semi-vowel sounds into a single unbroken sound.
  • Common diphthongs in English are: as;

  1. /ow/ sound as in the word cow, how, bow, now, wow, owl, gown, allow
  2. /ou/ sound as in the word out, shout, foul, snout
  3. /oy/ sound as in the word boy, toy, joy, royal, enjoy

  • Reinforcement of the long and short vowels sounds must be done.
  • While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also use textbook wherein and whenever it is applicable.
  • Note that this lesson focuses on diphthongs.

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk/marker, duster, mini-chart, extension worksheet 1 (5 in number)


  • Ask the following questions to recap consonants, vowel and diphthongs.

  1. Ask the students, as;
  2. What are consonants?
  3. What are vowels?
  4. What are diphthongs?

  • Appreciate the correct responses of the students.
  • Discuss the difference between the vowel sounds and diphthongs in detail with the students.


Activity 1

  • Draw information from the Mini-charts given below on the writing board for recap activity.

  • Point to the chart pasted / drawn on the writing board and say, “in groups of four members make as many words as you can using ‘oi’,ow’, ‘oy’, ‘ou’/ each group will focus on one diphthong family. Give them three minutes for doing it.
  • Ask the groups to share their ideas. Write their responses on the writing board.
  • Ask what the vowel sound in each of these words is. (/ow/)
  • Point to the mini-charts pasted/ drawn on the writing board. Say,  as;

  1. ”What is the vowel sound in each of these words?” (/oy/)
  2. “What are the two ways we can spell the /oy/ sound?” (o-i and o-y)

  • Students have learnt the use of the /ow/, /ou/, /oy/, /oi/ vowel sounds in grade 3 and 4 so this will be a recap.
  • Say, “Today, we are focusing on sounds called diphthongs.” (Note that the spelling is “diphthong, “not “diphthong.”)



Activity 2

  • Divide the class into two groups. Give them five minutes to write /aw/ and /au/ words on the loose paper sheet.
  • Allow them to share their responses.
  • Write their answers on the writing board.
  • Allow one student to point out to the words on the writing board while the two groups exchange their sheets and add more words to each other`s group work for /aw/ and /au/ sound words.
  • say, as;

  1.  “What do you notice about each group of two words?” (They have the same spelling patterns)

  • say, as;

  1. :So when we find a word that rhymes with one of the words in the list maintained on the writing board, chances are it is normally spelled with the same vowel patterns”

  • Divide the class into small groups. Give each group a few blank paper sheets and ask children to look at the words written on the writing board and to think of one new word that rhymes with the word on their sheet and write it on the blank paper sheets. If they think of more than one same sound word, they can use the additional sheets. Remind them to keep the spelling pattern the same unless they think they have thought of an exception. Allow 5 minutes for this activity.
  • Ask each group to check the spelling of any words they have written by looking at other group`s work.
  • Ask children to write the /ou/ and /oi/ and /au/ diphthong words in the notebooks.

Sum up / Conclusion

  • Sum up the lesson by asking the students to read the words on the loose paper sheets. These words should have different diphthongs.


  • Ask the students to circle all the diphthongs words they can find in the newspaper/textbook and paste/write them in the notebook. Share findings with the class by adding more words to the paper sheets displayed in class having oi. Oy, ow,

Follow up

  • Ask the students to select any lesson from the textbook and underline five diphthongs and write them in a table of three columns.


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