Lesson Plan of Pronouns and Transitional Devices English Grade 3
Lesson Plan of Pronouns and Transitional Devices
English Grade 3

Students’ Learning Outcomes
Identify and recognize the
function of pronouns and transitional devices
Information for Teachers
replaces a noun within a sentence or passage.
are of different types but we should focus one type of pronoun in one lesson.
have studied personal pronouns in grade 2 reinforce personal pronouns in this
· Write personal pronouns as the title of the lesson on the lesson on the board.
Write down
the pronouns suggested by the students on the board. E. g. she, it, they, them,
we, us.
teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult the textbook where it is
Draw an
octopus on a large sheet of paper to make the chart.
Write the
eight parts of speech, one in each arm of the octopus. (Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb,
Adjective, Preposition, Conjunction, Article).
The chart should
be permanently displayed in the classroom and referred to in all the grammar
Material /Resources
Colored chalk, a chart displaying the 8 parts of Speech, writing board, textbook.
Worm up Activity
Ask a
student to describe the actions of a class fellow, talking his name every time
when an activity is mentioned. E. g. Ali is sitting on Ali’s chair. Ali’s bag
is under Ali’s table. Ali is taking Ali’s book out of Ali’s bag.
Then ask
the students: Why does this sound
boring/funny? (Because the name Ali has been repeated so many times.)
How else
can you say it? Now, let us replace the name with another word.
Tell the
students which words can be used instead of ‘Ali’.
Ali is
sitting on his chair. His bag is under his table. He is taking his books out of his bag.
What do you
notice here? (The name Ali has been replaced with he and his).
Does it
sound better?
Repeat this
activity with other students.
Activity 1
Recap the
students’ knowledge of gender.
(He =
masculine; She = feminine; It =
neuter/non- living).
Identify the
gender of each pronoun already written on the board with students’ participation.
Draw three
columns (Masculine, Feminine, Neuter) on the board and then fill it up with the
students’ responses.
Now differentiate
them between singular and plural, using colored chalks.
Activity 2
the students to think of the noun for which a pronoun is to be used.
Think of
both the options and choose the correct one.
We like the
zoo. There are many animals in _____.(them, it)
Salma is
standing near the door. I will call _______. (her, she)
I want the
red shoes. ____ match my dress.(they,
Asad is coming from Karachi . ____is my
cousin.(He, Him)
friends and I are very happy. ____ have won the match.( These, We)
Activity 3
Write the following pairs of sentences on a
chart paper and paste it on the board:
Read each pair of sentences.
Call the students to the board.
Ask the students to underline the pronoun in the
second sentence in the pair. Then circle the word from the first sentence that
the pronoun replaces. Example: The students are reading a story. It is about a dragon.
My friend and I went to the market. We bought some popcorn.
My mother cut an apple in half. She gave me the apple to eat.
Maria and Sana played with the dolls. They held the dolls carefully
Masood is playing cricket. He is enjoying.
Ali bought a black shirt. Ali’s mother really
liked it.
Activity 4
Tell the
students that transitional devices are the words to show the connection of
words and put the sentences in correct order.
Show the
flash cards of first, second, next, last, however to the students.
Call out
the names of first, second, and third students.
Ask them to
stand in front of the class.
the students’ position with their names.
stood first.
Sara is
Next is
However, the
result is good.
Give the
students transition words on cards.
Ask them to
show the cards as the teacher calls out the students’ names again.
Sum up / Conclusion
the lesson by asking the students about the definition of pronoun, gender of
some pronouns and the number of some pronouns. (singular/plural)
Ask the
students to give examples of transitional words and use them in your sentences.
Involve the
students in solving the problems given in exercise at the end of unit/chapter
Select a
chapter from the textbook. Ask the students to identify all the personal
pronouns present in the chapter. This is an oral class quiz.
Select an
exercise of transitional devices from the textbook and ask the students to
solve it in their notebooks.
Follow up
Ask the
students to select and use any 5 transitional words in sentences.
Ask the
students to write sentences using I, me, you, they, he, she, and it in your
This is so cool i learn moreeee