Lesson Plan of Bean & Maize Seeds General Science Grade V
Lesson Plan of Bean & Maize Seeds
General Science Grade V
Students’ Learning Outcomes
Information for teachers
A seed is a small embryonic plant.
The outer covering of a seed is called
seed coat (Testa) which protects the tiny plant within it.
The point where seed is attached to its
stalk is called Hilum.
The small pore outside the seed, from
where air and light enter is called Micropyle.
The part of seed which we can see after
removing the seed coat is called an embryo.
The embryo is a small plant, having one
or two cotyledons, which store food material.
The part of axis lying towards the
pointed end of the seed through which first root arise is called radicle.
The part of axis lying toward the other
end (opposite to pointed end) of the seed through which first shoot arise is
called Plume.
A maize seed is an oval shaped and has
one Cotyledon.
The bean seed is kidney-shaped and has
two Cotyledons.
Material / Resources
Flash cards / labeled pictures
of bean and maize seed, textbook.
Worm up Activity
Conduct a brainstorming session (based on Grade 1V learning)
with questions like:
How does a plant begin its life? (Expected
response: “plants grow from seeds”)
What is present inside a seed that it makes a
complete plant?
Recall the students’ previous learning (unit 1; Grade V) and
ask them.
How do the monocot and dicot seeds differ?
Draw diagrams of bean and maize seed on board
and explain its different parts.
Activity 1
Divide the students into 2 groups.
Give soaked bean seeds to one group and
ask them to note their observations in this table.
Structure on outer surface
Give soaked maize seeds to other group
and ask them to record their observations in this table.
Structure on
outer surface
Activity 2
- Give soaked maize and bean seeds to each student.
- Ask students carefully remove the seed coat from the seeds.
- Ask; why a seed needs a ‘coat’
- Demonstrate the students how to look inside the seeds.
- Observe inside the seeds. Point out the radicle, plumule and cotyledons in seeds.
- Ask students to record their observations in the form of a table.
- Explain the functions of radicle, plumule, cotyledons and seed coat.
Numbers of cotyledons
Seed coat
Bean seed
Maize seed
Sum up / Conclusion
- A seed is a small embryonic plant.
- Its outer covering is called seed coat (Testa).
- The embryo consists of a radicle, a plumule and one or two cotyledons.
- The maize seed has one cotyledon while the bean seed has two cotyledons.
- Plant root arises from radicle. Plant shoot arises from plumule.
- The cotyledons store food material for the growing embryo.
Ask following questions to the students:
----how many
cotyledons are there in a bean seed?
----What is the
function of micropyle?
----What do you
observe on the external surface of the seed?
----Which part of
seed gives rise to stem?
- Ask students to label the parts of the bean and maize seeds in the following diagrams.
- Involve the students in solving the questions given at the end of chapter / unit in textbook.
Follow up
- Ask the students to enlist name of seeds whose cotyledons are used as food?
- Collect different monocot and dicot seeds, preserve them in seed box or polythene bags and present them in front of the class.
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