Lesson Plan of Matter and Its States General Science Grade IV

                                        Lesson Plan of Matter and Its States

                                                       General Science Grade IV

                                             Students’ Learning Outcomes

                        Demonstrate and explain how matter changes its state on heating.

                                                               Information for Teachers

          One state of matter can be changed into another by heating.
          Solid ice changes into Liquid water with heat or keeping it at room    temperature for some time.
          Similarly Liquid water changes into steam (gas) on heating.

            Ice                   Water              steam (gas)

          While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult textbook at all steps where and when applicable.

                        Material / Resources

            Ice cubes, water, glass, candle, match stick, stainless steel glass

            General Science 4(the textbook, advised by the Punjab Textbook Board)

  Worm up Activity

          Take a handkerchief and soak it in water
          Spread it in an open atmosphere for half an hour.
        Ask students what happens to handkerchief?
            (Students ‘response: It will get dry)
        Where does water go?
            (Students ‘response: Water goes to air as vapors)
        How has liquid water changed into gas?
            (Students “response: It has changed into gas after absorbing heat from the atmosphere or sun)

          Ask different questions to various students and then introduce today‘s topic.



          Put a few cubes or pieces of ice in a glass.
          Heat the glass gently with the help of a candle or a spirit lamp.
          Ask the students to observe and then answer the following questions:
        What happened to ice? (Student’s response: Ice will melt to Liquid water)
        How it has changed into Liquid water? (Students ‘response: Heat has changed ice to water)
          Inform them on heating Solid changes into Liquid.


          Take water in a stainless steel glass/beaker or any container.
          Heat it with the help of a candle or a spirit lamp.
          Ask students to observe and then answer the following questions:
        What has happened to Liquid water? (Students’ response: Heat has changed water to steam or water vapors)
        What is steam? (Students’ response: When large number of water vapors comes out of the surface of water, it is called steam)


          Take a steel spoon and heat it on a flame.
          Bring the spoon out of fire and drop water on it.
          Ask the students how does it happen?
(Students’ response: When water was dropped on a hot spoon, it quickly changed into steam)


         Ask the students to write an activity to show that water changes to steam on heating and ask them to think about some sort of different activity related with daily life.

          Ask them when ice is placed an open container it melts into liquid water after sometimes from where does it get heat

                                                      Follow up

          instruction them to:
          Take a small quantity of water in a plate.
          Put that plate under the sun.
          Observe what happens to water after a few hours.
            (Expected response: The whole of water has disappeared and the plate has dried up)
          Note down your observation and discuss with your class fellows next day









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