Lesson Plan of Environment and its Components General Science Grade IV

Lesson Plan of Environment and its Components

General Science Grade IV

Students’ Learning Outcomes

·         Define environment.
·         Explain components of environment with examples.

Information for Teachers

·         Environment can be defined as the natural surrounding s of that organism which directly and indirectly influences the growth and development of the organism.
·         Everything around an organism that affects its life is called its environment.
·         Environment consists of two components: living components and non-living components.
·         Living components of the environment are animals, plants and microorganisms.
·         Non-living components of the environment are air, water, soil, light etc.

Material / Resources

Blank paper, textbook

Worm up Activity

·         Ask students to tell the names of things present in class, write the responding answer on board and discuss that all these things make our environment.


Activity 1

·         Take students to the school lawn and ask them to identify different objects in the surroundings of a tree.
·         Let students categorize the identified objects into living and non-living things.
·         Describe tree environment and explain two components of its environment.

Activity 2

·         Show this picture / similar one given to the students.
·         Ask them to observe and tell the names of living and non-living things present in picture.
·         Write students’ response on board, in separate columns of “living components” and “non-living components”

Activity 3

·         Mark the school garden/lawn or playground into different sections. (try to include a variety of objects such as plants, different types of insects, a fence, cement, rocks, soil, water etc. in these sections)
·         Divide the students into groups of 4 or 5 and ask each group to draw two large circle on a paper  and label them as “living” and “non-living”.
·         Assign a separate section of the garden/lawn/playground to each group and ask them to make lists of all living and non-living components.
·         The group would enter the names of living and non-living things in the respective circles. (Allow sufficient time for students to explore their sections and complete the assignment).

Sum up / Conclusion

·         All living and non-living things that surround an organism and can affect its life are collectively called its environment.
·         Every environment consists of living and non-living components.
·         Living components of environment include animals, plants and microorganisms.
·         Non-living components of environment include air, water, soil, light etc.


Students will demonstrate their understandings by:
·         Describing the concept of environment.
·         Distinguishing the living and non-living components of environment.

Follow up

·         Ask students to observe their home and school environment, write the names and draw / paste pictures of the living and non-living things present in that environment.
     Home Environment
             School Environment
Living things
Non-living things
Living things
Non-living things


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