Lesson Plan of Scales of Temperature General Science Grade IV

Lesson Plan of Scales of Temperature

General Science Grade IV

Students Learning Outcomes

  Draw and label the device for measuring temperature.

              Measure and record the body temperature using a laboratory thermometer and a clinical thermometer.
Suggest the safety measures required in using thermometers.

Information for Teachers
                      Temperature of body is measured by a device called Thermometer.
                      There are two types of thermometer;
                        a Laboratory thermometer and a clinical thermometer.
                      There are two common scales on the thermometers.
                      (a) Celsius or Centigrade scale, C.                 (b) Fahrenheit scale, F.

                      A laboratory thermometer has Centigrade scale,
                        with two prominent point 0C and 100C.
                      A clinical thermometer is designed to give
                        Reading only from 35C to 42C or 95F to 108F.

                      Temperature beyond above ranges is not possible.

                      There is constriction inside the clinical thermometer.

                      Water freezes at 0C and boils at 100C.

                      A healthy human body has temperature 37C or 98.6F.

                      Thermometer are used carefully to avoid breakage.

Material Resources

Candle, match box, tap water, two beakers of different sizes, an iron rod, two laboratory and two clinical thermometer preferably filled with some colored liquid, some ice cubes a wooden block.

Worm up Activity

Do the following warm up activities to involve the students.

                      Divide whole class into two groups.

          Provide a laboratory thermometer and a clinical thermometer to each groups.

          Explain the division made on thermometers.

          Ask them in which of given thermometers, there is a constriction.

          If their answer is the clinical thermometer, then ask them.
            “What is the use of this construction?”

          Instruct a student from each group to grasp the bulbs of thermometer in both hands for 1 min.

          Ask the other students to observe the rising liquid level in both the thermometers.

          Now direct the students to hold the thermometer from top.

          Ask the students to observe the descending liquid level in both the thermometers.

          Ask them “What did they observe?” (Students’ response: the liquid level falls promptly in that thermometer which is without constriction. It is the laboratory thermometer).

          Inform the students that a constriction does not allow the liquid level to fall down. Due to this reason, the reading remains the same in a clinical thermometer for reasonable time.

          Ask how can we bring the level of liquid down in this thermometer? (a jerk is applied to the clinical thermometer to bring the liquid down into the bulb)           


Activity 1

                      Divide the class into groups.

          Give each group a laboratory thermometer and a clinical thermometer.

          Ask two selected students from each group to place the given laboratory thermometer and clinical thermometer under their arms pits, carefully

          After two minutes, ask them to show their thermometers to their group fellows to note their body temperatures.

          Draw the table on the board and make a list of reading found by groups.

ON ۫C -scale
ON ۫F –scale

37 C
99  F
36 C
98  F

Inform the students that the temperature of healthy person ranges from 36 C to37 C  or 98 F  to   99 F.

Activity 2

          Ask the students: “What cares are required in using thermometers?”

          Make a list of their proper answers on the board.

Students’ response:

(a)   Do not insert the thermometer directly into the mouth.
(b)   Avoid striking the thermometer to a hard thing.
(c)    Do not put the bulb of thermometer directly into the flame.

Activity 3

         Put some ice cubes in the fresh water in a small beaker and shake it well.

          Ask the students to note the thermometer of mixture by using a thermometer

          Instruct them to take two reading each after ever 2 min. interval.

          Prepare a table of observations.

Time taken

2 minutes

6 C
4 minutes

3 C
          Ask the students that what will happen to temperature if more ice is added into the beaker?


Ask some purpose –fit questions like:
   A person is suffering from fever. Guess his body temperature on both the scales.

   Name the cities of Pakistan which are at very low and a very high temperature.

   Will the temperature of your healthy father and younger brother be the same?

Teacher is also required to involve the student in solving the problems given in the exercise end of unit/ chapter.

Follow up

                        Ask the students to observe the temperature of their father, mother and other family by using thermometers under their arm pit. Record all readings in their notebooks.


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