Tips on Good Instruction Giving

Tips on Good Instruction Giving

·         The way teachers talk to students, the manner in which they interact is crucial  to both successful learning and teaching.

·         Perhaps the most important point that determines how successfully students will learn is the way instructions are formulated   and sometimes  it is this point  which distinguishes good teachers from bad ones. It is important, therefore, that teachers directions relating to academic activity and behaviour are clear, precise and effective. It goes without saying that the best activity in the world will turn into a disappointing failure if students don’t understand the instructions.
·         How to give better teaching instructions?         
·         There are two general rules of telling what students need to do:

·         Instructions must be kept as simple as possible.

·          They must be logical.

·         Before teachers give instructions they must ask themselves:

·             What is the important information I am trying to convey?
·             What must students know in order to complete the task successfully?
·             Which information do they need first?
·             Which come first?
·             What materials do students need to do the tasks?
·             Are they going to work individually, in pairs or in groups?
·         Get a group to work
·         Discuss and share ideas, experiences and opinions about the given tips.
·         Good instruction are as:
·         Short
·         Simple
·         Precise
·         Easy to follow
·         Repeated
·         Demonstrated
·         Get everyone’s attention at the start.
·         Use short, simple centences with imperativees      
·         Give only one instruction at a time.
·         Don’t talk too fast and use good intonation (rise and fall of voice)
·         Don’t use language above the students’ level (Graded language)
·         Use gestures and facial expressions.
·         Stand in front of the whole class so that all students can see and hear you.
·         Demonstrate activity or do the first one as an example with whole class.
·         Check that the students have understood the instructions by asking simple questions (ICQs-Instruction Checking Questions)e.g. what page? (page3)exercise number? (ex. 6—8), how much time do you have?(20 minutes), pairs or groups? Do you write or discuss only?
·         Ask students to repeat instructions.    
he used all the ways and means to pass
he had the loin's share in his father's property
we should keep everything under the lock and key
he intended to harm me.
do you know the way to the school.
we love to sit in the sun in winter
we wish to win the game
we wish to meet the minister.
i ordered him to be in time.
i wish to learn swimming.
i want to go home early.                                                                                


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