Lesson Plan of Noise: It’s Effects & Control General Science Grade IV

Lesson Plan of Noise: It’s Effects & Control

General Science Grade IV

Students’ Learning Outcomes

·         Differentiate between noise and sounds.
·         Explore the effects of noise on human health.
·         Suggest ways to reduce noise pollution and plan an awareness campaign on any one.

Information for Teachers

·         Noise is an unpleasant sound.
·         Sources of noise pollution are road traffic, jet plans, construction machinery and manufacturing machines etc.
·         Noise pollution affects human health very badly.
·         Not only hearing ability is affected but other body systems are also disturbed.
·         Fatigue, headache, hypertension, angry behavior, disorders in digestive and nervous systems are caused by prolonged exposure to noise.

Material / Resources

Chair, table, plastic bottle, textbook

Worm up activity

·         Ask the students what kind of sounds they hear every day. Make a list of different sounds on the board and then ask the students to different pleasant and unpleasant sounds.
·         Ask a student to dreg a chair on the floor while ask another student to sing a song.
·         Now ask what kind of sounds they hear around them. Ask them which sounds are pleasant and which are unpleasant. Conclude that the sounds which produce pleasant sensation in our ears are pleasant sounds and unpleasant sounds are noise.


Activity 1

·         Divide the class into groups and ask the students to discuss in each group: Why do we like to go to quiet places?
·         After 5 minutes, ask one student from each group to state the main points of discussion.
·         Write the answers of the students on the board such as:
v  We can sleep well in quiet places.
v  We can study
v  We can think better
v  We can talk with each other
·         Then ask the students to discuss again in groups: What do we feel in noisy places? You may create a noisy place by playing a recorded cassette of busy road traffic.
·         After 5 minutes, ask one student from each group to state important points of discussion.
·         Write the students’ comments on board such as:
v  We can’t sleep due to noise
v  We can’t study due to noise
v  We can’t hear each other well when there is noise.
v  It may cause headache.
v  It may damage ears.
v  Ask the students groups to comment one by one: should we avoid noise? How and why?
v  Conclude the topic after their comments. 

Activity 2

Step 1:

·         Open all the windows and doors of your classroom.
·         Ask a student to take your chair outside the classroom.
·         Give him/her an empty plastic bottle and ask him/her to go outside the classroom and strike it against the chair repeatedly.
·         Ask the whole class, do you hear a low or a high sound?

Step 2:

·         Then ask the first student to take the chair further away from the classroom and make a sound with the bottle again.
·         Then ask the class: Do you hear a low or high sound this time?

Step 3:

·         Ask the students; close all the windows and doors of classroom.
·         Ask the first student to carry the chair inside the classroom again and strike the bottle against the chair.
·         Then ask the class students, do you hear a low or high sound now?
(Draw out the conclusion that: The greater the distance between the source of noise and listener, the less is the noise. In a closed room the noise increases due to reflections from the walls, ceiling and floor).

Activity 3

·         Draw the following table on the board and ask the students to tell about their noise effects and ways to reduce them and write the correct answers in the boxes.
Its Effects
Ways to reduce it
Loud TV volume


Loud speaker

Traffic sounds

Street hawkers

            Students’ response:

Its Effects
 Ways to reduce it
Loud TV volume
Keep volume low
Should be banned except in emergency
Loud speaker
Hearing problems
Should be banned or the use should be restricted
Traffic sounds
Mental disorders, fatigue, pains
Increasing green area/tree plantation
Street hawkers
Close the door

Sum up / Conclusion

·         Ask students: What you have learned from the lesson? And write their answers on the board.
v  The voice which doesn’t feel good to our ears is a noise.
v  Noise may cause a headache.
v  We can’t study in noise.
v  The noise may damage our ears.
v  We can reduce noise.
o   By increasing green area/tree plantation around sources of noise such as factories, motorways, railways and airports.
o   Building industrial area, railway stations and airports away from the towns.
o   Avoiding the use of loud speakers.
o   Avoiding excessive use of vehicle horns.
·         We can reduce noise pollution in our community by awareness campaigns for the people.


·         What are the sources of noise pollution?
·         How can we reduce noise pollution in our city?
·         Explain the effects of noise on human health?

Follow up

·         Different type of problems do you face due to the noise when you are in school, at home and on the road?
·         Ask the students to make posters showing the noise sources and their effects.
·         Launch a campaign in your locality to make the people aware of noise pollutants, their effects on our health and the ways to reduce noise pollution.


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