Lesson Plan of Singular and Plural Nouns (Regular/Irregular) English Grade IV

Lesson Plan of Singular and Plural Nouns (Regular/Irregular)

English Grade IV

Students’ Learning Outcomes

·         Change the number of regular and irregular nouns.
·         Recognize and use nouns with no change in number.

Information for Teachers

·        Regular Plural Nouns:
Ø  A regular plural is a noun to which an ‘-s’ or an ‘-es’ is added to form the plural.
·         The plural of nouns is usually formed by adding ‘-s’ to a singular noun. It is called regular plural nouns.
(Examples: lamp/lamps, flower/flowers, fork/forks, pen/pens, cat/cats
·         Nouns ending in ‘y’ preceded by a vowel form their plurals by adding ‘-s’.
             (Examples: day/days, toy/toys, valley/valleys.
·         If nouns ending in‘s’, ‘x’, ‘z’, ‘o’, ‘ch’, and ‘sh’ they form the plural by adding ‘-es’.
             (Examples: moss/mosses, box/boxes, buzz/buzzes, potato/potatoes, dish/dishes, lunch/lunches.
·        Irregular Plural Nouns:

Ø  Irregular plural nouns are nouns that when they change from singular form to plural, their spelling changes in a different way as in mouse and mice.
For examples:
v  Nouns ending in ‘y’ preceded by a consonant are formed into a plural by changing ‘y’ to ‘-ies’.
(Examples: lady/ladies, city/cities, baby/babies).
v  There are some nouns that form the plurals differently. Some nouns change their vowels in the middle of the singular form when forming the plural.
(Examples: goose/geese, foot/feet, man/men
·         Several nouns form the plural by adding the letters ‘-en’.
                       (Examples: ox/oxen, child/children).
·         There are a number of animals that have the same singular and plural form.
                       (Examples: deer/deer, sheep/sheep, fish/fish.
·         This lesson plan focuses on those nouns that remain the same in their singular and plural form. However a few activities are planned for regular and irregular nouns identification and change in number, as well.

Material / Resources

Chalk/marker, board, worksheet

Worm up activity

·         Divide the whole class into three teams; A, B, C. Draw four columns on the board like this:

Sr. No,






·         Write a singular noun in the first column. Ask a student from the team A to come to the board and write its plural. If he/she writes correct, the team scores a point.
·         Write a plural noun in the third column. Ask a student from the team B to come to the board and write its singular. If he/she writes correct, the team scores a point.
·         Repeat with team C. write a mix of regular and irregular nouns.
·         Continue for as long as time allows.
·         The team which scores more points wins. The members of the winning team receive colored stars on their class work or homework.


Activity 1

·         Ask the students if they can recall some nouns which don’t change number when making plural. Encourage the students if they give correct examples.
·         Write a sentence on the board using an irregular noun as singular.
(Example: My uncle found a deer in jungle)
·         Ask the students are “a deer” singular or plural? (Expected response: it is a singular)
·         Write a sentence on the board using the same noun as plural.
(Example: My uncle found many deer in jungle)
·         Tell the students that “deer” is used as a plural in the sentence.
·         Give the students five irregular nouns that don’t change in number when pluralized. Ask them to make sentences using the nouns as singular.
·         When the students finish making sentences, ask them to use the same nouns in sentences as plural.

Activity 2

·         Write the definition of regular and irregular pronouns, with examples on the board.
·         Ask them to copy it in their notebooks.

Sum up / Conclusion

·         Ask the students the plural’s of some irregular nouns that don’t change in number when pluralized.
·         Revise the definition of regular and irregular nouns with students. Ask irregular plural nouns with students. Ask them to give examples for each.


·         Assess how well the students remember the rules for changing number of regular and irregular nouns in the worm up activity.
·         Check the students’ understanding using irregular nouns that don’t change number through the activity 1.
·         Check the students’ ability to recognize singular and plural forms of irregular nouns with no change in number through the follow up activity.
·        Formal Assessment Sample Questions:
Q.1. Read the words given in the box. Sort them out into regular and irregular columns and change them into plural.
Box, pen, mouse, monkey, pan, man, ox, can, flower, child
Sr. no.










Q.2. Change the following sentences into plural. Make all necessary changes which are needed.
Ø  The pen is lying on the table.
Ø  The woman was crying.
Ø  The deer is in the farm.
Ø  Donkey is carrying the burden.
Ø  Flower is in the vase.

Answer key:

Ø  The pens are lying on the tables.
Ø  The women were crying.
Ø  The deer are in the farms.
Ø  Donkeys are carrying the burden.
Ø  Flowers are in the vase.

Follow up

·         Ask the students to:
a)      Read a paragraph from the textbook and change it into plural.
b)      Read a passage and identify the nouns from the textbook. Change the singular into plural and plural into singular. Write if they are regular or irregular.
·         Write five sentences on the board. Explain the task to the students. Give this activity as homework.


           Write in the blanks whether the underlined noun is used as singular or plural.
1.       The sheep is very healthy.------------
2.       The deer were running fast.---------
3.       I have a golden fish in my pond.----------
4.       That is a big herd of sheep.------------
5.       My mother has long hair.-----------

Answer key

1.       Singular
2.       Plural
3.       Singular
4.       Plural
5.       Plural




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