Lesson Plan of Descriptive Paragraph Writing English Grade IV

Lesson Plan of Descriptive Paragraph Writing

English Grade IV

Students’ Learning Outcomes

·         Write simple descriptive paragraph.
·         Use appropriate vocabulary and tense to write a simple paragraph by giving description of a person/object/place.

Information for Teachers

·         A paragraph is a group of sentences that covers a single sentence.
·         A Paragraph is an elementary unit of prose. It is generally composed of numerous sentences that together improve one central idea. The main sentence in a paragraph is called the subject sentence.
·         There are four kinds of paragraphs that you want to know about: descriptive, narrative, expository, and convincing.
·         In this lesson discussion will be at descriptive paragraph.

·         A descriptive paragraph describes a particular situation, person, place or an object. For example, a descriptive paragraph explains how a person looks or how a person may behave. This type of paragraph can also explain the way a place or object appears.
·         A descriptive paragraph is a paragraph that defines a person, place or thing. Using this description permits the reader to arrangement a better mental appearance of whatever is being pronounced.
·         A descriptive paragraph: creates a word picture. It often includes details that appeal to the five senses and that suggest the mood of the writer.
·         When we describe something, we use adjective (describing words e.g. tall, short, intelligent, beautiful, colorful, smart, weak, etc.
·         When writing a descriptive paragraph try to use your five senses. We convey to the reader how something looks, feels, tastes, sounds and smells.
·         We use transitional words (Examples of transitional words may include first, second, last or next) to connect our sentences. These types of words organize and link our elements of the paragraph together.
·         Good descriptive paragraphs are really amusing to read because they energy your fancy.

Material / Resources

Newspaper cuttings, photographs, real objects that the students can see and describe/person from around the class/school, Paper slips, board, chalk/markers, textbook

Worm up activity

·         Call a student in front of the class.
·         Ask the student to close his/her eyes.
·         Instruct others students not to say the name of the object.
·         Hold one object from the list and ask him/her to touch, smell, feel, taste, the object to guess what it is (Possible answer: dirty, sour, hard, nice, smooth, rough, long, sharp, sweet, etc.)
·         He/ she give words to describe the object till he guesses it correctly.
·         Write the words on the board.
·         Repeat this activity with other students as well with other objects and write the descriptions on the board. (red, yellow, brown, pink, small, sweet, and sour, metallic, cylindrical, etc. now do the same with the whole class with open eyes. Add to the description of the objects.
·         Tell them that five senses are used to describe the objects effectively.
·         Reinforce the knowledge that the words which describe the color, size, shape, and quality, of anything are known as adjective.
·         Tell the students that when we describe things/person/places we use the present tense.


Activity 1


·         Ask the students to write a paragraph describing ‘My Favorite Aunt’.
·         Tell the class that whenever we describe any person or object, we must use verbs in the present tense e.g. is, does, has, have, likes, speaks, etc.

Activity 2

·         Divide the class into pairs.

·         Now ask each pair to select anything e.g. pencil boxes/lunch boxes/water bottles (whatever they have, it’s choice) in their bags and observe them carefully.
·         Ask them to describe one object that they have selected by using 3-4 describing words in a 4 sentences on paper slips.
·         Remind them the structure of the paragraph--the main sentence, the body (details/related ideas), and the end/conclusion.

Activity 3

·         Write a simple sentence “My cat is soft” on the board.

·         Ask students to add 3 to 4 more interesting sentences to it.
·         Now call one student on the board and ask him to underline all the descriptive words in the written paragraph.
·         After that one of the student to read the paragraph for the whole class.
·         Now ask students to describe any pet if they have or if they have seen in any picture in their notebooks.
·         Ask the students to read their description for the whole class.

Sum up / conclusion

·         Ask them:
Ø  What is a paragraph?
Ø  What are the different parts of a paragraph?
Ø  What is a descriptive paragraph?
Ø  What are adjectives and why do we use them while writing paragraph?


·         Ask the students to describe their best friends using 5 to 6 describing words in their note books.
·         Ask some students randomly to give feedback and correct their work in the light of feedback given by their peers.
·         Once the students are done with the paragraph writing, ask the students to check each other’s work and give feedback.

Follow up

·         Ask students to write a descriptive paragraph on “The place I Visited”.

·         Ask students to write a descriptive paragraph about their favorite fruit in their notebooks.
·         Ask them to tell how it looks, tastes, smells, and feel to the touch.


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