Lesson Plan of Silent Letter Words with ‘s’ ‘tch’ and ‘sch’ English Grade V

Lesson Plan of Silent Letter Words with ‘s’ ‘tch’ and ‘sch’

English Grade V

Students’ Learning Outcomes

·         Pronounce and spell more words with silent letters such as ’s’ island,  ‘tch’ as in ‘switch’, ‘sch’ as in ‘school’.

Information for Teachers

·         Silent means the letter is added to the word but is soundless, quiet or sleeping.
·         Silent T: - the letter “t” is silent when it is followed by “ch”  or in the middle of the “s” and “l” the “le” is silent as in the words(match, switch, pitch, ditch, Catch, itch, retch, hatchet, botch, hatchet, clutch, stretch, butcher, kitchen, patchy, castle,  apostle, bristle, hustle, catch, blotch, dispatch, batch, etc. The list is huge.
·         Tch is used to make the /Ch/ sound after a short vowel. Like in switch, pitch, ditch, Catch, itch, retch, hatchet, botch, hatchet, clutch, stretch, butcher, kitchen, patchy, etc. The list is huge.
·         Silent letter S: The letter‘s’ is silent when it is between the letter ‘I’ and the letter ‘l’ as in the words (Island, aisle, and isle.)
·         Silent C: - If  ‘C’ is followed by  ‘e’, ‘I’ or ‘y’ and follows ‘s’ , the ‘c’ is silent as in the words (Scent, Science and scythe. Whenever ‘c’ and ‘k’ are together ‘c’ is silent as in click.
·         Silent letter H: words having letters ‘sch’ are pronounced as ‘sc’ where ‘h’ is silent like in scholar, school, the hard sound of letter ‘c’ as ‘k’.

Material / Resources

5 blank sheets for each group, picture card 1 to 5 made by teacher/magazines or newspapers cut outs of the pictures, note books, chalk/marker board, dictionary

Worm up activity

·         Write the word ‘scratch’ on the board and ask students to read it.
·         Repeat with the word ‘scholar’.
·         Correct them if they read incorrectly.
·         Ask them which letters were not pronounced when reading scratch and scholar.
·         If they give right answer, tell them why they are not pronounced. Otherwise tell them the letters which are not pronounced (‘t’ in scratch and ‘h’ in scholar) and tell them they are silent.
·         Ask them about other silent letters in a brainstorming session (know, write, wrong, knight, knife, light, etc.)


Activity 1

·         Distribute dictionaries among students so they can easily look up words starting with ‘sch’.
·         Divide the class into five groups. Provide each group with a sheet of paper. Ask them two groups to write five words having ‘tch’ at the end of the words like in ‘scratch’.
·         Ask the other two groups to write five words having ‘sch’ at the beginning of the words like in ‘school’, ‘scheme’.
·         Tell the groups that they have ten minutes for this activity.
·         Monitor the groups to ensure all group members’ participation in the activity.
·         Tell the students to stop writing from each group to share his/her group work with whole class. After each group, finishes sharing the group work, whole class for the group. Collect all groups’ work.
·         Choose five words from students’ work.
·         Write them on the board.
·         Ask whole class to write the definition, rule and the examples in their notebooks.

Activity 2

·         Teach the students the rule for pronouncing the ‘sch’ words where letter ‘h’ remains quiet, for example in the word scholar, letter ‘h’ sleeps and the word is pronounced as ‘skolar’
·         Call different students to the board to read the words written on the board using correct pronunciation where letter ‘h’/’t’ remains silent.
·         Ask whole class to repeat the word aloud. (clean the board)
·         Attach/paste the pictures card 1 to 5 on the board (made by the teacher or cut out from the newspapers or a magazines, don’t cut it from here) and ask the students to write one word that the picture represents.

Sum up / Conclusion

·         Review the lesson by asking children to name the picture and then to pronounce it, aloud correctly.


·         Check the students’ understanding of the correct pronunciation through their participation and number of correct examples provided by them in both activities.
·         Assess students’ performance through the written work they produced in both activities.

Follow up

·         Ask children to cut out five pictures from old magazines or newspapers and glue them into notebook and label them using ‘tch’ and ‘sch’ words.


  1. Plz help me about the question that you said 'sch' is silent like in school. But in school the 's' has its sound but "ch" has the sound of 'k' then y you said the whole 'sch' is silent. Plz explain

  2. No,they sad that when we have a word which begins with « sch » the « h » is silent


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