Lesson Plan of Writing Anecdote English Grade V

Lesson Plan of Writing Anecdote

English Grade V

Students’ Learning Outcomes

·         Write a short passage, anecdote, true stories for pleasure and creativity.

Information for Teachers

·         An anecdote is a short and interesting story from real life.
·         Anecdotes are ‘true’ stories.
·         a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.
"He told anecdotes about his job"
·         Anecdotes can include an extensive range of tales and stories.
·         While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult textbook at all steps where and when required.

Material / Resources

Chalk/marker, duster textbook, pencils, erasers

Worm up activity

·         Narrate an anecdote from the textbook to the class without reading it from the book.
·         You must have learnt and practiced it before coming to class.
·         Narrate this short anecdote in class as if you are saying this about yourself. Children must feel that it was you who went to the park. Practice it before coming to the class so you can narrate it without looking at the text.
“I went to the park yesterday with my family and friends. I was so happy to see the blooming flowers of the spring’s season. Light wind was also blowing which played with my hair. I plucked a rose and tucked it into my hair band and started enjoying the weather. A little later, I felt something moving in my hair and I scratched it. I felt some bug under my finger. Unfortunately, I had not noticed that the big rose had almost a dozen tiny bugs on it. These bugs seemed to like my hair, but soon I was itching and twitching. I quickly came back home and washed my hair. I decided that next time I stop to smell the flowers I’ll make sure to check the flowers of any bugs before putting it in my hair”.
·         When you have done this ask: “Have you ever faced a situation like this or had some trouble?”
·         A few students would like to share their experiences. Encourage them to talk.
·         Tell them we are going to discuss our experiences today in form of a story called anecdote. (Help for pronunciation: An-ek-dot. C is pronounced as ‘k’ and ‘e’ is silent. Thus reading dote as ‘dot’)


Activity 1

·         Write the questions on the board. Generate class discussion on the following questions.
1.       Have you ever gone with your family, on a trip to some place or a picnic?
2.       What was the name of the place?
3.       Where exactly is it?
4.       Was it far away from where you lived?
5.       Do you often go to the same place with your family?
6.       Who went with you?
7.       How did you travel?
8.       What did you do to pass the time on the journey?
9.       How long did it take to get there?
10.   Where did you stay?
11.   How did you spend your time there?
12.   What did you enjoy the most there?
13.   What did you dislike about the whole trip?
Note: if you use the anecdote from the textbook then ask similar questions related to that anecdote to generate discussion.
·         Students write their anecdote in two or three paragraphs. They must recall the previous lessons of paragraph writing and story writing when writing their anecdote.

Activity 2

·         Hold the basket of objects in your hand.
·         Pass on the basket to every student and ask them to pick one object only.
·         When all students have taken an object divide them into small groups of 4-5 members each.
·         Give one blank sheet of paper to each group.
·         Using the objects as hints, students plan their stories.
·         Students write a short story in the group, on the blank sheet provided, using all objects. It is a must to use all objects.
·         The stories must have all the essential elements, characters, setting, dialogues, beginning, middle and end. The students can give a title also.
·         Each group must have a presenter who will narrate the story when it is written by the group.
·         Objects could be:
·         An artificial ring (students can make it a magical ring in their story!).
A baby’s toy such as a rattler
A piece of rope
An empty bowl
Plastic apples and grapes
An empty packet of match sticks
A small scarf or dupatta

Sum up / Conclusion

·         Monitor students work. Provide help if needed.
·         Ask students, “What is an anecdote?”
·         One or two students can read their anecdotes in class, if time allows.


·         Assess students’ oral responses in worm up activity and then their written work.
·         Teacher is also required to involve the students in solving the problems given in the exercise at end of unit/chapter.

Follow up

·         Each student thinks of a true personal anecdote, something that actually happened in the past and write about it.
·         On Monday mornings, continue to ask students about any interesting anecdotes from the weekend.



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