Lesson Plan of Respiration in Plants General Science Grade VI
Lesson Plan of Respiration in Plants
General Science Grade VI
Students’ Learning Outcome
Explain the importance and
process of respiration in plants
Information for Teachers
Like all other organisms,
plants require oxygen for getting energy from food
They also require to release
extra carbon dioxide from their bodies
During day time plants
utilize the carbon dioxide (produced during respiration) in photosynthesis and
for respiration, they utilize the oxygen produce during photosynthesis
Plants don’t have specialized
breathing mechanism for gaseous exchange like animals
Concept Map
Material / Resources
Germinating seeds, flask, thermometer, stand
Worm up activity
Ask the following questions
to the class.
o What do you need to grow?
(Expected response: food and energy)
o From where do you get this energy?
(Expected response: by the breakdown of food)
o Do you know the name of the process involved in
getting energy from food?
(Expected response: respiration)
Now introduce the today’s
topic to the students.
Activity 1
Ask the questions:
o How the chemical energy stored in food
molecules is made available for life process?
(Expected response: by chemical reaction)
o Inform the students that these chemical
reactions are collectively called respiration.
o Link the above discussion by explaining the
process of respiration in terms of a simple equation.
o Draw this equation on the board:

Raw Materials Products
Activity 2
Set the apparatus as shown in
diagram and draw this diagram on the board to explain that this experiment is
used to investigate the release of energy (heat) during respiration
Now conclude this activity by
asking the following questions
o Why germinating seeds are used in this
(Expected response: in germinating seeds the
process of respiration is going on)
o What will be the change in the reading of the
thermometer after the experiment?
(Expected response: an increase in the reading
of the thermometer)
o How does the measurement of thermometer
indicate that the weeds have released energy?
(Expected response: in germinating seeds the
process of respiration is going on. During the process of respiration the
energy is released)
Ask about the importance of
respiration and enlist the points on the board and ask the students to copy on
their notebooks.
Sum up / Conclusion
Ask the students, what we
have learnt? Expected response will be: in the process of respiration plants
take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide (CO2), and this process continues day
and night.
During day time both process
of photosynthesis and respiration are going on thus CO2 during respiration is
used in photosynthesis and oxygen released during photosynthesis is used for
Draw the given table on the
Ask the students to fill and
copy on their notebooks
Raw Materials
Follow up
Write the following questions
on the board and ask them to copy and solve as home work on their notebook
o In contrast to photosynthesis, why respiration
in plants continues during day and night
o What is the purpose of respiration?
o What is the energy released in respiration used
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