Lesson Plan Biotechnology and Its Applications General Science Grade VIII

Lesson Plan Biotechnology and Its Applications

General Science Grade VIII

Students’ Learning Outcomes

·         Define Biotechnology.
·         List some biotechnological products used in daily life.
·         List general application of biotechnology in various fields.

Information for Teachers

·         Biotechnology is a large-scale industrial use of biological processes of microorganisms to make substances useful for mankind.
·         Biotechnology is the use of biological processes, organisms, or arrangements to manufacture products envisioned to increase the quality of human life.
·         In simple form, biotechnology is the use of living system (organisms) by people to make products.
·         Biotechnology uses many different sciences, such as biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, computers, and develop information technology to develop tools and products.
Concept Map
Material / Resources
Water, flour, yeast, bowl, beaker
Worm up activity
·         Brainstorm the students about asking different questions:
o   What they know about microorganisms?
(Expected response: They are used in making yogurt, cake, bread, milk, meat and medicines.)
·         Now introduce them the today’s topic “Biotechnology and its application” in which they will learn, how the scientists use the microorganisms in order to make products for human use.
Activity 1
·         arrange the warm water, flour and yeast.
·         Ask the students to:
o   Mix the yeast with the flour, and add warm water to make dough.
o   Leave it for 20 minutes.
o   Then ask the students to observe this dough carefully and tell:
Ø  What is the change?
Ø  What may be the cause of this change?
·         Now explain that yeast acted upon flour dough and produces CO2 and alcohol, which made hollow cavities / pores inside the dough. This process is known as fermentation.
·         Now introduce the term Biotechnology and define with the help of students.
·         Ask the students about some biotechnological products used in daily life and make a list on the board.

·         Ask the students about general applications of biotechnology in various fields and make a list on board.
·         image
·         After that ask the students to copy from the board on their notebooks.

Activity 2

·         Ask the students that what do diabetic persons use for their treatment?
(Expected response: Medicine Insulin)
·         From where they get insulin?
(Expected response: Medical store)
·         Can you guess how this insulin is prepared on commercial basis for the use of diabetic persons?
(Expected response: By microorganisms)
·         Now explain the other applications of biotechnology like tissue culture, medicines, drugs, dairy and bakery items etc.

Sum up / Conclusion

·         Summarize the lesson; Biotechnology is a large scale industrial use biological process of microorganisms to make substances useful for mankind e.g. making of yogurt, cake, bread and medicine etc.


·         Ask the students to write the names of the products in front of process of biotechnology given in the table:

Genetic engineering

Tissue culture

·         What will happen if we add yeast instead of baking soda in dough for making pizza/cake

Follow up

·         Make a list of biotechnology products.

·         Guide the students to solve the exercise problems given at end of unit/chapter of textbook.


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