Lesson Plan of Artificial Satellites and Geostationary General Science Grade VI

Lesson Plan of Artificial Satellites and Geostationary

General Science Grade VI

Students’ Learning Outcomes

·         Describe artificial satellites and geostationary satellites.
·         Investigate how artificial satellites have improved our knowledge about space and are used for space research.
·         Explain the key milestone in space technology.

Information for Teacher

·         The objects revolving around a massive body due to its attraction or gravity is called “Satellite” of that body. E.g.
1.       Planets are satellites of the Sun.
2.       The moon is satellite of the Earth.
·         Artificial satellites are human-built objects orbiting the Earth.
·         Satellites are the objects which are launched in space by rockets.
·         Like the moon, they are held in orbit by the gravitational pull of the Earth.
·         The higher the satellite, the slower is the speed and longer is the time required to complete its one orbit.
·         Satellites can be launched into two orbits like Polar and Equatorial orbits.

·        Polar orbit:

o   A polar orbit is a satellite orbit that passes over or very close to both poles of the Earth.
o   Satellite in polar orbit can observe all points on the Earth.
o   These orbits are used for observation all satellites.

·        Equatorial Orbit:

o   A satellite in equatorial orbit flies along the line of the Earth’s equator.
o   To get into equatorial orbit, a satellite must be launched from a place on earth close to equator.
o   Equatorial orbit are useful for satellites observing weather patterns.

·        Geostationary Satellites:

o   The period of a geostationary satellite is the same as that of the earth, so the satellite appears to be stationary at one place all the time.
o   The orbit of s geostationary satellite is also called “geostationary orbit”.
o   The GPS (global positioning system) uses 24 satellites.
o   They orbit the earth in 6 sets of orbits.
o   At any time, a receiver on the ground can receive the signal from their satellites.
o   GPS helps the vehicles and ships to take best.

Concept Map

Material / Resources

Color charts, glue, markers, strings/thread, stone etc

Worm up activity

·         Ask the students about artificial satellites, where do they exist? And the purpose of sending up these satellites in space to assess the students’ previous knowledge.
1.       What are artificial satellites?
(Expected response: Man-made objects sent into space orbiting the Earth)
2.       Why we launch artificial satellites?
(Expected response: To get up-to-date information from our surroundings)
3.       How in ancient time people get guidance to travel from one place to another?
(Expected response: With the help of a magnetic compass)
·         Ask the students that whether they might have seen ever a movie or clip regarding spaceship/satellites, how are they being launched into space?


Activity 1

·         Tell the students that in the modern era new technologies are introduced.
·         Artificial satellites are one of them
·         To understand the idea the movement of satellites around the Earth, we will do an activity.
·         Attach an object with a string and ensure that it has been tied properly.
·         Whirl the object in a circular path.
·         Ask them why the object is moving in the circular path?
·         After taking their response, tell them that we require a force which tends to move the objects in circular path.
·         In this case with the help of our hand we are applying such force to move the object in the circular path.
·         With the help of this example clear the concept about the motion of satellite around the Earth.
·         Give knowledge to the students that an object under the action of gravity, revolves around the earth in a fixed path.
·         Img

Activity 2

·         Divide the class in groups and ask them to read the material about artificial satellites from their textbooks or library books.
·         Make the following table on the board and ask the students to copy it on their notebooks.

Artificial Satellites
1.Research Satellites

2.Weather Satellites

3.Communication Satellites

4.Navigation Satellites

·         Each group will give the table from the information given in the textbook.
·         At the end teacher will summarize the activity.
·         Summarize activity by teacher:
1. Research Satellites: Measure major properties of outer space.
2. Weather Satellites: Helps scientists study weather designs and prediction the weather.
3. Communication Satellites: Deliver a worldwide link up of radio, telephone and television.
4. Navigation Satellites: are mainly envisioned to help regulate the positions of aircraft, ship and submarines with great correctness.
5. Earth Observation Satellites: are used to map and display our planet’s resources an ever-changing chemical life changing

Activity 3

·         Make a chart on key milestones in space technology from the science textbooks or books from library.

Name of satellite
Launching date
US Tinos 1
April 1, 1960
To study weather conditions

·         Display the chart in the class and ask the students to read and note their observations.
·         Involve the students in discussion about the key milestones in space technology.

Sum up / Conclusion

·         Conclude the lesson by recapping the artificial satellites and their kinds.
·         Summarize the key advantages of some artificial satellites.
1.       Communication satellites: these satellites help to transmit the communication signals from one place to another e.g. communication through mobile phones and telephones.
2.       Weather satellites: these types of satellites help us to receive up-to-date information about weather conditions.
3.       Navigation satellites: these type of satellites are used by ships to navigate their directions through GPS (Global positioning system)
4.       Astronomical satellites: These types of satellites take sharp photographs of the objects outside the earth’s atmosphere.


·         Assess the students’ understanding by asking the following questions:
1.       Name different artificial satellites.
(Expected response: weather satellites, communication satellites, and astronomical satellites)
2.       What are weather satellites?
(Expected response: there are the satellites which help us about the forthcoming changes in weather)

Follow up

·         Ask the students to make a poster on artificial satellites to high light their advantages.


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