Lesson Plan of Properties and uses of Salt General Science Grade VIII
Lesson Plan of Properties and uses of Salt
General Science Grade VIII
Students’ Learning Outcomes
Define the term salt.
Describe the properties of
Explain the uses of salts in
daily life.
Information for Teacher
A salt is a compound formed
by the neutralization reaction between an acid and a base.
Salts of calcium, present in
our bones are responsible for strengthening of bones.
Potash alum is used for the
purification of water.
Salts of iodine are needed
for the proper functioning of thyroid gland. they are also used for the
treatment of goiter.
salts ionize in water e.g.,
Na CI dissociates into Na’& CI
Uses of Salts
Ammonium Chloride
In torch batteries
Ammonium Nitrate
In fertilizers
Calcium Chloride
As Drying Agent
Iron Sulfate
In Iron Tablets
Magnesium Sulfate
In Medicine
Potassium Nitrate
In Gunpowder etc.
Silver Bromide
In Photography
Sodium Chloride
Making Na OH
Sodium Stearne
In Making Soap
Salt solutions are also used
as electrolytes and as fertilizers.
Salts are used for seasoning
Salts such as baking soda are
used to soften bread & cake.
Properties of Salt
Name of Compound
Sodium Chloride
Chemical Formula
Formula weight
Colorless or white when pure; colored
splotches (e.g. Blue, purple)
when impure.
Physical form
Transparent to translucent cubic crystal;
also powder or granules
Mos hardness
2 1/2
Density at O* C(32*f)
2.17 g/cm
Melting point
801* C (1,474*F)
Boiling point
1,465* C (2, 669* F)
Water (S)*;
glycerol (S); alcohol (SS) hydro chloride acid
Concept Map
Material / Resources
Vinegar, sodium hydroxide, beakers, pH papers, burner/spirit
Worm up activity
Write the word “salts” on the
board & ask students to give their ideas about it. write students ideas on
the board.
Activity 1
divide students in small
groups and instruct them to:
o Take small amount of sodium hydroxide in beaker
o Add few drops of phenomenological to it. Solution
will turn pink.
o Take vinegar in beaker B and add it drop wise
to beaker A until it becomes colorless.
o Dip pH paper after each addition and then
evaporate the solution mixture to dryness.
Ask students to write answers
of following questions in their journals.
o What is the name of process when alkali is
added in acid?
(Expected response: Neutralization)
o What did you get after solution mixture is
(Expected response: Salt crystals)
o Can you name the solid product obtained after
(Expected response: Sodium acetate)
Activity 2
Divide students in small
groups & instruct them to:
o Dissolve washing soda (Sodium carbonate) in
water in beaker A.
o Dissolve baking soda baking soda (sodium
bicarbonate) in water in beaker B.
o Dissolve common salt in water in beaker C. dip
pH paper in all the three solutions.
o What change in color of pH paper is observed in
all the three solutions?
o What is the nature of the solutions in beaker
A, B and C?
The beaker ‘A’ will give
value of pH more than 7. (Basic salt) the beaker ‘B’ will give value of pH less
than 7. (acidic salt) the beaker ‘C’ will give value of pH equal to
Sum up / Conclusion
Conclude the lesson by
telling students:
o Salts are formed as a result of neutralization
reaction between an acid and base.
o Salts are of great use and are also found in
human body.
o Salts are crystalline and soluble in water.
Assess students’ Learning by
asking these questions:
o Explain the role of baking soda in the process
of baking?
(Expected response: Baking soda produces carbon
dioxide which raises the baking material.
o Which salts are used as fertilizers in
different crops?
o Calcium phosphate, DAP or ammonium sulfate.
Follow up
Visit the Khewra Mines:
Read the situation below and
give appropriate answers to the, “ Khewra Mine Guide”, question based upon your
recently developed knowledge about salts.
A group of students visited
Khewra mines, where the guide told them few interesting facts about mine:
Fact 1:
There are small ponds. if
anyone jumps into the water, he/she will never drowned. Can you tell the
A1: the person will not drown
but can suffer from severe dehydration.
If you come in winter, you
will never feel cold. What you think, why is it so?
A2: Salts are bad conductors
of heat.
Solve the mystery
One morning a watchman’ body
was found lying on the floor of a warehouse. Nader was suspected murdering the
watchman. Police found white powder in his socks. They said it was slaked lime
from ware house where his body was found. But Nader insisted that he has been
accused wrongly as he was on the salty beach last night. The powder in his
socks was salt. What tests would you carry out to find out if Nader was telling
the truth?
Answer: pH of salt and slaked
lime could be checked. salts are neutral while slaked lime is highly basic.
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