Lesson Plan of Agree/ Disagree English Grade VIII

Lesson Plan of Agree/ Disagree

English Grade VIII

Students’ Learning Outcomes

·         Use various functions to agree/disagree

Information for Teacher

·         Intonation: Rise and fall of voice to express different feelings and emotions and to emphasize a word or a phrase.
·         Facial expression and gestures: Speakers and listeners use facial expressions and gestures like smiling, frowning, clenching teeth, raising eyebrows, etc. Hand and arm movements are some of the body gestures used as well.
·         Formal and informal context: some social settings require more formal ways of communicating or expressing: e.g. with elders, teachers, strangers. However with friends and people of same age known to us we may be less formal and more at ease.
·         Punctuation practice: reinforce the use of an exclamation mark when expressing strong emotions.
·         Help the students to recall some common interjections like Ah! Oh! Etc.
·         Contractions:  in spoken English some common pronouns and verbs are spoken together by joining through contractions: e.g. I’m, that is=that’s, you are= you’re. Get students familiar with these.

Material / Resources

Flashcards for role play, display chart for phrases and statements, chalk/marker, board, duster, textbook

Worm up activity

·         Greet the class and present a few statements to elicit an agreement/disagreement.
·         Ask the students to volunteer in pairs.
·         Each pair should have one student who supports (agrees) and one who opposes(disagrees):
a.      Summers are the best season.
b.      Uniform is necessary for maintain discipline
c.       English is a difficult language to learn
·         Note their responses and facial expressions
·         Appreciate them for coming up and expressing their opinion
·         Introduce the topic.
·         Emphasize that educated and civilized people express their opinions and accept other point of view by using appropriate responses and words
·         Ask students to tell what facial expressions and gestures are observed when someone is agreeing(e.g. nodding, smiling) and disagreeing(shaking head, frowning)
·         Display this saying on the board or on a chart paper:

Gentlemen (ladies) disagree without being disagreeable.


Activity 1

·         Listen to a dialogue carefully and note how they are agreeing and disagreeing.
1.       Ask the students to listen to a dialogue with a volunteer student or another teacher and present it in front of the class.
2.       The teacher may record this dialogue on a tape recorder and play it in front of the class. The teacher will also provide a purpose for listening the dialogue.
3.        Instruct the students to listen to the dialogue and note how they agree and disagree with each other.
4.       Also explain that ‘note’ does not mean that they have to write. They can just focus on the sentences which express agreement and disagreement


     Two friends Kareem (K) and Bilal (B) are complaining about one of their courses of school
K: Our course is too theoretical. It should be much more practical. Don’t you think so?
B: I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m just doing the course to pass the exam. I don’t think that it’s going to help me after I Leave School.
K: Exactly. And I can’t understand most of the theory. I just learn my notes off by heart.
B: So do me. We should complain to the head teacher.
K: I think that you’re right. I suggest that we see him as soon possible.
B: I agree. Don’t you think that we should talk to the other students first and ask them what they think about the course?
K: Good idea. Let’s ask them tomorrow. OK?
·         For teacher: the bold words and phrases are often used to express agreement and disagreement and are target vocabulary to be noted and reinforced. Explain each phrase and how ‘I’ is used in response to the other phrase (e.g. I learn my notes/ I do my work/ I like mangoes= So do I (for agreement)

Activity 2

·        Role-play this dialogue in pairs:
1.       Ask the students to prepare this dialogue with appropriate intonation (rise and fall of sound) and facial expressions. Model saying a few phrases in a flat tone (without expression and then say it with expression and facial expression.
2.       Ask the students to role-play the dialogue with appropriate expressions.
3.       In the beginning, the students may not be able to learn the whole dialogue by heart. In this case, the teacher should ask the students to have flashcards on which their respective dialogues are written.
4.       The students will rehearse and present the dialogue in front of the class. However, they should try to perform the dialogue orally without reading from anywhere.
5.       Use the three statements given in the warm-up activity to practice the target phrases and statements for agreement and disagreement.

Activity 3

Prepare a dialogue on the following situation:
Situation: your friend wants to go Murray hills in winter. He gives different reasons for going there. You agree on some points and disagree on some of them.
1.       Ask the students to sit in groups on the given situation.
2.       Write on the board the following ways of expressing agreement in English.
(These can be written on chart papers and displayed in the classroom for reference)
Ways of Expressing Agreement

I agree
I agree with you
I quite agree
I absolutely agree
I couldn’t disagree with you more
You’re right

(I think) (That) you’re quite right.
You’re absolutely right.
Note: Words in the brackets are optional.
The teacher will write on the board the following ways of disagreeing with someone in English.
Ways of Expressing Disagreement


(I’m sorry)
I don’t agree
I don’t agree with you (I’m afraid)
I can’t agree with you

(I think)
You’re wrong
You’re quite wrong (I’m afraid)
You’re absolutely wrong

Sum up / Conclusion

·         Conclude the lesson by repeating all the main points of the lesson.


1.       Asks the students to sit in the form of pairs.
2.       One member of the pair will perform the role of shopkeeper and the other will be customer.
3.       Each pair to have dialogue of no more than three exchanges i.e. exchange of three sentence each.


·         Go to a shop and ask the rates of different things. Say to the shopkeeper the rates are very high.
·         The shopkeeper will give different reasons for high prices. Agree with some reasons and disagree with some of them.

Follow up

·         Agree or disagree with your brothers, sisters or friends in different situations using the correct expressions without being impolite or rude.


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