Lesson Plan of Distributive Law Mathematics Grade V
Lesson Plan of Distributive Law
Mathematics Grade V
Students’ Learning Outcomes
Verify distributive laws
Information for Teacher
Distributive law collects
multiplication and addition subtraction operations:
o Distributive law w.r.t addition x(b + c) = a × b+

o Distributive law w .r.t subtraction ax(b – c) =
a × b – a x c
While teaching the lesson,
also consult textbook at all steps where and when applicable.
Material / Resources
Chalk/marker, board, textbook, duster
Worm up activity
Write ‘Distributive Laws” on
the top of the board.
Ask students if they have any
idea what it is?
Tell students that this law
(sometimes called property )states that you get the same answer when you
multiply a number by a group of numbers added together as when you do each
multiplication separately.
Example: 3x (2+4) =3x2 +3x4
so the “3” can be “distributed” over the “2+4” into 3 times 2 and 3 times 4.
Show it with help of the
following figure:
3 x (2 + 4) (3 x 2) +
(3 x 4)
Activity 1
Draw the following shape on
the board and tell students that this figure represents the area of rectangle
with length b + c and width a
Hence area of this rectangle
is = a x ( b + c) or a(b + c)
This can be split into two
parts as follows:
Now the sum of the area of
both rectangles is a b + ac
Because both are parts of
that rectangle, so we can write: a( b +
c) = a b + ac
Give paper strips to students
in groups to verify it for themselves.
Activity 2
Tell students that it is very
convenient to use distributive law for quick multiplication.
Tell students that I want to
multiply 12 x 19, and I used a quick method to do it. I multiplied 12 by 20.
Well 12 x 20 is easy, it’s 240. But, I added one more 12 than I needed, so I’ll
take it away from 240 to give me 228. =
Similarly as students how to
Solve 2 more examples1: 4 x 27
= 4(20+ 7)
= 4(20) + (7)
= 80 + 28 = 108
Example 2: obtain 4 x 102 using distributive law
Solution: We know, 102 = 100
+ 2
So, 4 x 10 = 4 x (100 + 2)
= (4 x 100) + (4x 2)
= 400 + 8 = 408
Activity 3
Now divide students in two
Each group will suggest a
multiplication sum like given in the examples of previous activity, for the
other group as challenge.
Other group will solve in
their notebooks.
Each group will solve at
least 5 questions.
Help students if they are
unable to do any question.
These multiplication sums can
be selected from textbook exercise as well.
Sum up / Conclusion
The distributive laws lets
you multiply a sum by multiplying each added separately and then add the
Quick multiplication can be
done through distributive laws.
The distributive property
helps with mental math.
A quick multiplication is:
4 x 53
(4 + 50) + (4 x 3)
= 200 + 12 = 212
Students will be given
following statement questions to apply their understanding of Distributive Law.
Mother prepared 12 bags of
sweets for birthday party of Semi. In each bag she puts 5 chocolate and 14
candies. How many sweets did mother buy?
A necklace made of
alternating 4 grey beads and 2 black beads is shown. Explain the way one can
find, how many beads are there in the necklace?
Follow up
Solve following questions by
applying Distributive Laws.
In each fish tank there are 7
gold fish and 6 black fish. There are 8 fish tanks. How many fish are there
There are 3 tables. On each
table there are 6 lemons glasses and 5 cold drink bottles. How many drinks are
there altogether?
Assign some questions from
textbook to do as homework.
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