Lesson Plan of Writing Anecdote in English


Lesson Plan of Writing Anecdote in English

Grade V

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Write a short passage, anecdote, fable etc. for pleasure and creativity.

Information for Teachers

  • In this plan only anecdote is discussed. Other parts of this SLO are covered in other lesson.
  • Speakers and writers often use an anecdote as an example of an important point.
  • Anecdotes are very, very short stories told to make a point.
  • The writer and speakers hope that linking their point with a memorable story will make the point memorable too. A short amusing or an account regarded as unreliable or hearsay and interesting story about a real incident or person.
  • Anecdotes are usually true stories about real people. They can be personal stories told in first person but the person to whom they happened or they can be third –person stories told by someone who saw or read about the incident.
  • Writing an anecdote requires a greater degree of writing skill and creativity.
  • Most students can write it only if they already have a good understanding of how to develop paragraphs.
  • While teaching the lesson, consult textbook at all steps wherein and whenever it is applicable.


Writing board, chalk/marker, duster, notebooks, pencils, erasers,


  • Tell the class: Today we will discuss our personal experiences in the form of a story called anecdote. (Pronunciation: An-ek-dot)
  • Narrate this short anecdote to the class.

When I was young I often used to get angry. My parents always told me that I should not get so much angry. One day my father gives me a bag of nails and told me that every time I lose my temper, I must hammer a nail into the wall.

The first day I hammered 37 nails into the wall. Over the next few weeks as I learned to control my anger, the number of nails hammered daily, gradually decreased.

I discovered it was easier to hold my temper than to hammer those nails into the wall. Finally the day came when I did`t lose my temper at all. I told my father about it and my father suggested that I now pull out one nail for each day when I was able to control my temper.

The days passed and I was finally able to tell my father that all the nails were removed. The father took me by the hand and led me to the wall. He said “you have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the wall. The wall will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one”.

You can put a knife in a man and pull it out it will not matter how many times you say I’m sorry, the scar will remain there.

Make sure you control your temper the next time you are tempted to say something you will regret later.


  • Ask the students:

  1. Why did my father ask me to hammer nails into the wall?
  2. What lesson did he want to teach me?

  • Ask from them:

  1. Have you ever faced a situation from which you learned a lesson?

  • Encourage students to answer your questions.
  • Explain anecdote to the class (see information for the teacher for help)


Activity 1

  • Write the following questions on the writing board. Discuss the questions with the class.

  1. Have you ever gone on a trip to some place or a picnic with your family?
  2. What was the name of the place?
  3. Where is it?
  4. Was it far away from where you lived?
  5. Do you often go to the same place with your family?
  6. Who went with you?
  7. How did you travel?
  8. What did you do to pass the time on the journey?
  9. How long did it take to get there?
  10. Where did you stay?
  11. How did you spend your time there?
  12. What did you enjoy the most there?
  13. What did you dislike about the whole trip?

Note: If you use an anecdote from the textbook, ask similar questions related to that anecdote to start discussion.

  • Ask students to write their anecdote in two or three paragraphs. They must recall the previous lessons of paragraph writing and story writing when writing their anecdote.
  • Monitor students` work. Provide help wherein it is needed.

Sum up/Conclusion

  • Ask students, “What is an anecdote?”
  • One or two students can read their anecdotes in class, if time allows.


  • Assess students` oral responses in introduction and activity 1 and then their written work.
  • Involve the students in solving the exercise given at the end of unit/chapter in the textbook.

Follow up

  • Tell students to think of a true personal anecdote, and write about it. Tell them to think of an incident when they were angry with someone. Tell them to write what happened; why they were angry, who were they angry with, what things they did or say in anger, and if they think they should have controlled their anger.
  • Occasionally ask students about any interesting anecdotes from the week.



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