Lesson Plan of Use of Conjunction in English


Lesson Plan of Use of Conjunction in English

Grade V

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate use of joining words learnt earlier.
  • A conjunction (or a joining word is a word which connects words and group of words.
  • And is used to join or add words together in the sentence. E.g. they ate and drank.
  • Or is used to show alternatives as in the sentence, as; He will be here on Monday or Tuesday.
  • But is used to show opposite or contrast in the sentence, as; she is small but strong.
  • So is used to show result in the sentence, as; I was tired so I went to sleep.
  • Because is used to express reason, as; I watch T.V. because I like it.
  • Note- ‘and’ joins similar ideas, ‘but’ joins opposite ideas; ‘or’ denotes alternative ideas, as;

  1. He is strong and brave.
  2. He is weak but brave.
  3. Do or die [+ if you do not do, you will die]
  4. Do and die. [=if you do, you will die]

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk/marker, duster, flash cards


Activity 1

  • Ask the students to name two favorite foods, colors, games, best friends, etc.
  • Tell them how they are going to use ‘and’ between the two words.
  • Ask the students if they have guests and they offer them a choice between tea or cold drinks, how will they say it?
  • Lead the students to the use of ‘or’ to show a choice between two things.
  • Ask the students to give more examples of how ‘or’ is used in sentences.
  • Explain the function of joining words here. Read “information for Teachers” for help.(Two or three more sentences could be written on the same pattern with the help of students for their better understanding).

Activity 2

  • Write the sentences on the writing board.
  • Ask students to fill in the blanks using suitable conjunctions.
  • Write the conjunctions in the box like this:

  • Examples:

  1. I want to play ________ my mother will not allow me.
  2. I think his birthday is on Tuesday ______ Wednesday.
  3. Maria helps her mother _______ she loves her.
  4.  I needed a book ________ I went to the library.
  5. She eats with a fork ___________ a spoon.

  • Explain the function of joining words here (and, or, because, but, and so) See Information for Teachers for help.
  • (Two or three more sentences could be written on the same pattern with the help of students for their better understanding).


Activity 1

  • Write five sentences on the writing board and ask the students to underline conjunctions in them. Involve the whole class in the activity.
  • I love sweets and lollipops.

  • Give me biscuits and a cup of tea.

  • I want to buy a new bicycle but I don`t have enough money.

  • Ailsa wants to become a doctor so she is studying.

  • Asim is intelligent but he is very careless.

  • Here are explain the function of and, or, but, so and because.

Activity 2

Write the sentences on the writing board. Ask the students to copy them in their notebooks.

  • Students can complete the sentences after discussion with their group members.
  • Complete the following sentences using or, and, but, so, and because.

  1. Amns has a doll ____ a doll`s house.
  2. My grandmother was ill _______ I brought medicines for her.
  3. I need a hairbrush __________ a mirror.
  4. He is weak _______ active.
  5. Maira reads books _____ she loves them.
  6. She will come on Monday _________Tuesday.

Sum up / Conclusion

  • Ask the students:

  1. Name any four joining words.
  2. Tell a sentence using any one joining word.
  3. Tell a sentence using the word ‘because’.
  4. Tell a sentence using ‘but’.
  5. Tell a sentence using ‘so’.
  6. Allow students to correct each other`s sentences where necessary.

  • Find the exercise related to the topic in The textbook. Students must do this exercise in the notebook or on the textbook.


  • Ask the students to write 5 sentences using the conjunctions and, or, but, so and because. Help the students wherein and whenever they needed support and guidance.
  • Ask students to write a paragraph using 5 to 6 sentences on ‘My Classroom” using conjunctions.

Follow up

  • Students can read a story from their textbooks and underline conjunctions.
  • They can write wherein and whenever do they use conjunctions with examples.
  • Tell students that conjunctions are used in our daily conversation, as; ‘it was cold today so I decided to wear a sweater’. Or ‘I decided to wear a sweater because it was cold today’.




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