Lesson Planning of Elements of Story Subject English Grade V


Lesson Planning of Elements of Story

Subject English

Grade V

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Identify the elements of a story.
  • Beginning, middle, and end of a conflict.
  • Human / animal, imaginary characters and their roles

  1. Dialogues
  2. Setting

Information for Teachers

  • The teacher should be able to read out the story to the class using effective intonation and expression to capture the interest of the students.
  • The purpose of a story is to entertain.
  • Interesting characters and setting, a good beginning, middle and end the logical sequence of events /actions make the story interesting.
  • Each story has a problem or conflict to solve.
  • The characters of the story are the people/animals in the story which do all the actions. If the characters are animals and the story has a moral also stories are called fables.
  • Dialogues are all the sentences/statements given to characters.
  • Setting is the ‘place’ and ‘time’ when the story takes place.
  • The beginning introduces characters, the setting and the problem of the story.
  • In the middle, the problem is developed.
  • The end tells how the problem is solved.
  • Theme: it is the central idea of the story.
  • The role-play will help students understand the story better so that they can attempt the written task easily.


  • This plan must be conducted in two lessons. Do the introduction, activity 1 and activity 2 in lesson 1.
  • Activity 3 & 4 will be done in lesson 2.
  • While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also use textbook at all steps wherein and whenever it is applicable.
  • Any story from the textbook could also be used for teaching this lesson.

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk/marker, duster, textbook, the text of the story ‘The Hare and the Tortoise’ (attached at the end of the lesson plan), photocopied worksheets for all, flash cards of words (sample given)


  • Ask the students if they are fond of listening to stories or reading them.
  • Ask: as;

  1. Which are your favorite stories?
  2. How many of you now the story of ‘The Hare and the Tortoise?’

  • Say that you will read out the story so that those who have never heard it many also know about it.


Activity 1

  • Read the story aloud. The voice must be clear so the whole class can listen. The rise and fall of one should indicate the emotions of pride, happiness, politeness, sadness and repentance.
  • Change your voice to act out the role of the hare and the tortoise. (You must practice this at home before coming to class).
  • Pause and repeat sentences if you feel that the class is having a problem in listening to you clearly. Observe students to infer if they understand the story or not.



Activity 2

  • Paste the flashcards of story elements on the writing board (beginning, middle, end, paragraphs, characters, setting, dialogues, conflict) or write the elements on the writing board.
  • Ask students if they know the meaning of the words.
  • Discuss beginning, middle and end of the story. Students have practiced these concepts in great details in previous class’s grand in previous lessons so they must be able to tell. If they make mistakes ask other students to correct them.
  • During discussion revise the idea of topic sentence or title sentence around which each paragraph develops.
  • For example: as topic sentence for paragraph 1 of the hare and tortoise is: one day a hare and the tortoise were sitting together. The whole paragraph moves around the information related to them only.
  • The topic sentences for each paragraph, of the story ‘The hare and Tortoise’, are underlined for teacher`s reference.
  • Ask the students some questions about characters in the story, as;

  1. What are characters?
  2. How many characters are there in the story?
  3. Name them. (They can be human characters or animal)
  4. What do different characters do in the story ‘The Hare and Tortoise’?

  • Ask students the following questions: as;

  1. Where is the story taking place? 
  2. What is the location of the story?
  3. When is the story happening?
  4. What is the time and place?

  • When the students have answered the above questions correctly, tell them that this is called the setting of the story.
  • Ask students what lesson they have learnt from the story. (moral)
  • Ask students about their feelings for different characters and events of the story.
  • Which characters did they like or dislike and why?
  • Here while discussing reasons, thy must highlight the good and bad actions of the characters and their effect on the society.



Activity 3

  • Quickly recap the story. Give the worksheet number 1 to them (or you can draw the template on the writing board for students to copy in their notebooks. This can be done if photocopying facility is not available.
  • Students work in pairs, to complete it.
  • Tell them to focus on the question words learnt in a previous lesson (who, what, when, where, why and how), to locate the required information.
  • Move around the class to monitor the students` work and provide help where and when needed.


Activity 4

  • Give activity sheet number 2 to students.
  • This is an individual activity and can also be used as an assessment sheet, if you feel that students` concept is clear at this point in time.

Sum up / Conclusion

  • Ask different students to read out different sections from their worksheet.
  • Ask students to identify the different elements in the story.
  • Ask students what was the problem in the story? (Expected answer would be as; the problem was that the hare was proud of his speed and he challenged the tortoise to have a race.)

  1. How was the problem resolved? (Expected answer would be as; (the Tortoise agreed to have a race and won due to his steadiness.
  2. Who were the main characters of the story? (Expected answer would be as; the main characters were the hare and the tortoise)
  3. Were there any minor characters in the story? If so who were they? (Expected answer would be as; the minor characters were: the jungle animals)
  4. Was there any moral in the story? If so what was it? (Expected answer would be as; the moral was slow and steady wins the race).
  5. What are the stories related to animals called? (Expected answer would be as; A fable)
  6. Where was the scene set? (Expected answer would be as; the scene was set in the jungle).
  7. How did the story end? (Expected answer would be as; the story ended with the tortoise becoming the winner and the hare losing the race).

  • Find the exercise related to the topic in the textbook. Students must do this exercise in the notebook or on the textbook.


  • Assess students` understanding regularly through their responses (both verbal and written) in both lessons.
  • Select a story from the textbook and assess the students` understanding by writing this on the writing board. Allow students to think and write the answers in the notebook.
  • Fill in the details as you know about the characters and what is happening in the story.

  • Or you can also use the following for formal assessment:
  • Write the details about the story:

Follow up

  • Students must paste the worksheet in their notebooks. Ask students to read stories from the newspapers and keep a record of all the books or stories they read. Announce a prize for the student who reads the greatest number of books or stories in a month. Select one story from the newspaper. Identify the following in the story: beginning / middle and end of a conflict.

  1. Characters
  2. Dialogues
  3. Setting


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