Lesson Planning of Functions of Pronouns and Transitional Devices Subject English Grade V


Lesson Planning of Functions of Pronouns and Transitional Devices

Subject English

Grade V

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Identify and recognize the function of pronouns and transitional devices.

Information for Teachers

  • Transitional devices bring more sense in a paragraph by linking the idea in one sentence with another idea in the next sentence.
  • Transitional devices can be pronouns, transitional words and phrases and punctuation marks.
  • In this lesson common transitional devices will be used they are: as;
  • And, but, or, then, firstly, secondly, lastly, in brief, again, for example, similarity, therefore, then, etc.
  • Students need practice of these transitional devices.
  • If the textbook has different transitional devices then change this plan accordingly to teach those transitional devices first. Teach these ones later in some other lessons during the year.
  • While teaching the lesson, consult the textbook at all steps wherein and whenever applicable.

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk/marker, textbook, colored chalks


  • Recap students` knowledge of pronouns.
  • Ask the definition and examples of pronouns. They have learnt this concept earlier.
  • Ask students about words used to show sequence.
  • Write the words ‘firstly, secondly, lastly’ on the writing board. Don`t write these words in order.
  • Ask “What comes first and why?”
  • Students tell the order of the words and the reason.
  • Provide help if needed.



Activity 1

  • Write the words ‘in brief’, ‘again’, ‘for example’, ‘similarity’, ‘therefore’ on the writing board. You can make flashcards of these words also and paste them on the writing board.

  • Tell the usage of these transitional devices to the students.

  1. In short is used to summarize some action/thought/idea. E.g. ‘in short it can be said that…..’, or in short the idea of the passage is….’
  2. For example is used to give examples of something/idea, etc.
  3. Therefore is used to give a logical result or conclusion to an action/idea.
  4. Similarity is used to say that something is similarity or like another, i.e. two things have same features.

  • Ask the students to learn the usage of each transitional device.



Activity 2

  • Write the following exercise on the writing board.
  • Ask the students to do this activity in their notebooks.
  • Draw the word box on the writing board.
  • Exercise:
  • Fill in the blanks choosing suitable words from the word box.

Ali went with ______ friend to the market to buy a few things, ______ fruit, vegetables and few daily need based things. _____ Mother had asked _____ to bring all things quickly as she had to make dinner. He liked doing shopping for his mother. ______ He bought some fruits, _____ he asked the shopkeeper for two bottles of Pepsi. Shopkeeper told him that it had finished ____ he bought Sprite. _______ His friend also bought Sprite. Ali was enjoying the activity. ____ ate some chocolates and sweets also. _____ He dropped his friend to his house and came back home. Ali was very tired but happy. ______ He enjoyed the trip to the market.



Solved passage for teacher`s reference only

Ali went with his friend to the market to buy a few things, for example fruit, vegetables and few daily need-based things. His mother had asked him to bring all things quickly as she had to make dinner. He liked doing shopping for his mother. Firstly, he bought some fruits; secondly, he picked the vegetables. Then he asked the shopkeeper for two bottles of Pepsi. Shopkeeper told him that it had finished therefore, he bought sprite. Similarly his friend also bought sprite. Ali was enjoying the activity. He and his friend ate some chocolates and sweets also. Lastly he dropped his friend to his house and came back home. Ali was very tired but happy. In short he enjoyed the trip to the market.


Sum up / Conclusion

Ask students to exchange their notebooks with their partner and correct the errors.

Ask students to tell the correct answers.


Assess students` understanding through their responses and written work in both lessons. Take a test in the following week.

Follow up

Write a paragraph using the transitional devices learnt and pronouns.

Possible topics:

Washing a car

Preparing lemonade

Planting seeds in the garden


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