Lesson Planning of Questions and Answers Subject English Grade V


Lesson Planning of Questions and Answers

Subject English

Grade V

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Recognize the function of different question words and key words to write appropriate short answers

Information for Teachers

  • Questions help us get information.
  • Question words, often used are ‘wh- questions’: ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘why’, ‘how’, ‘when’, ‘who’, ‘whose’.
  • Key words are the main words required to make sentences and share ideas. A list is given for reference.


  • Students should be encouraged to ask questions.
  • While teaching the lesson, use textbook at all steps wherein and whenever it is applicable.

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk/marker, duster, textbook, a poster to be prepared by the teacher and displayed in front of the class, key words poster, flower, notebook, pencil or any other class material could also be used


  • Place a flower, notebook, pencil or duster on your desk or anywhere, where all students can see it.
  • Inform students that you will ask different questions about them, by just changing a few words, as;

  1. What is on my desk?
  2. Why is it on my desk?
  3. Where is the notebook, duster, flower, or pencil in your class?
  4. When do you think it will leave my desk?


Activity 1

  • Instruct all students to observe the classroom carefully for two minutes.
  • Seat two students in front of the class facing the board.
  • Other students will ask short questions one by one, which the two students must answer.
  • The one who gives maximum correct answers is the winner.

Sample questions:

  1. How many windows/tables/chairs are there in the class? (Make this into three separate questions).
  2. What are the names of the two students sitting at the back?
  3. Who is sitting next to z (take a name of a student)/ between x and y / opposite to x / on the left / on the right?
  4. What is the teacher wearing today?
  5. What is the color of the teacher`s dress?
  6. Where is the board duster in the class?
  7. How many students are present in the class?
  8. Did ‘M’ sit in the same place yesterday where he/she is sitting today?

  • Students may ask as many questions as they can in the time allocated.
  • The answer given by the two students must be in complete sentences.


Activity 2

  • First, brainstorm with students about the questions a doctor and a patient may ask each other, as;

  • Now write the following situations on the writing board.
  • Mother and child (where child has just come from school)
  • Teacher and student
  • Father and son
  • Share with students other situations like:
  • Mother asking her son/daughter about his/her day at school.
  • Father asking his son / daughter about his/her performance in studies.
  • Teacher asking a student about his/her long absence from school.
  • Ask them to select one situation and to develop five questions for it.


Sum up/ Conclusion

  • Ask the students: What are some other situations where we ask questions”, and “why”?

  1. When we need directions to reach somewhere?
  2. When we meet someone after a long time?
  3. When we want to learn to do something new?

  • Find the exercise related to the topic in the textbook. Students must do this exercise in notebook or on the textbook.


  • Assess students through their responses and their written work.
  • Ask the students to try to make questions for the five sentences given below.
  • Try to write questions for the following sentences:

  1. I like school.
  2. He lives in Bahawalpur.
  3. They ate apples.
  4. Akbar ate bananas.
  5. We shall go home tomorrow.

Question 1 What does I like?

Question 2.Where does he live?

Question 3 What did they eat? Or who ate apples?

Question 4 who ate bananas? Or what did Akbar eat?

Question 5 When shall we go home?

Follow up

  • Write answers, in complete sentences, to the questions written in activity 2.
  • Ask the students to:
  • Read any lesson of the textbook from their own book.
  • Chang them into questions and copy them in their notebook.


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