Lesson Planning of Silent Reading with Comprehension Subject English Grade V


Lesson Planning of Silent Reading with Comprehension

Subject English

Grade V

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Read silently and with comprehension.

Information for Teachers

  • Reading has two aspects: as;

  1. Loud reading
  2. Silent reading

  • Silent reading helps students concentrate on the meaning of the text and makes it more meaningful.
  • Students concentrate on important information related to the text and understand it better.
  • It helps students infer meanings of the difficult words from context.
  • Infer means to understand the meaning of words and text when there are no direct clues given in the text.
  • Inference requires looking at context (background, setting, information and topic) of the text.
  • They understand and answer questions given at the end of the passage for comprehension.


Writing board, chalk/marker, duster, textbook, a comprehension passage with questions selected from the textbook.


  • Select a passage of your choice from the textbook.
  • The topic could be shared with the students.
  • Allow the students to share in pairs, their ideas about the topics selected.      
  • Discuss with a few students their ideas about the topic individually, before reading.


Activity 1

  • Ask the students to open the page of the textbook.
  • Tell the students to underline all words which are new or they don`t know the meaning of or they don`t know how to pronounce them.
  • Move around the class to monitor silent reading. Make sure that every student is reading.
  • Students raise their hands to ask questions if they have any problem.
  • Go to the students and provide help.

Activity 2

  • When the students have finished reading the passage, ask short questions. The questions must be related to the passage. Check their understanding.
  • Reading for inference/meaning
  • You can ask questions related to meaning/inference. For example: as;

  1. In what context is the word _________ used in this passage?
  2. Give the meaning of the word ________.

  • Reading for Understanding:
  • You can make and ask questions covering 5 Ws, as;

  1. What
  2. When
  3. Where
  4. Who and how?

Reading for ideas

  • Make questions like: as;

  1. If you were asked to be the character _______ what would you have done to….. or how would you done to…. Or how would you have reacted if you put yourself in _______ character.

  • Discuss the questions given at the end of the passage to assess their comprehension skills.
  • Ask the students to write answers of the questions in their notebooks.

Sum up / Conclusion

  • Ask the students to read their answers in class. Correct them, if there are any errors.
  • Ask the students various other questions related to the characters, their actions reactions, about the general time and place of the text read.
  • Allow the students` time to give their opinion about the text, if possible.
  • Find the exercise related to the topic in the textbook. Students must do this exercise in the notebook or on the textbook.


  • Assess the students` responses during discussion and written work.
  • Select a text. Prepare a few questions for the written assessment covering reading for ideas and facts. Some examples are given below.

  1. Who was _______________________?
  2. What is the meaning of the word _____________ according to the context?
  3. Did you like or dislike the text?

  • Give one reason to support your answer.
  • Give a similar passage to the students from their textbook and ask them to answer the questions.

Follow up

  • The students must read a unit in their English, Science or Social Studies textbook. The teacher can hold a discussion session the next day. Students` understanding and comprehension about the unit could be checked this way.
  • After a week, select a passage from English textbook. Allow each child to choose something to read according to his/her individual taste. The teacher should instruct the students to devise 4 -5 questions based on facts the read text.
  • You can ask the children to collect books like fairy tales, story books about ghosts, different countries of the world, about our religion, prophets` stories or cuttings from newspapers having stories.


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