Lesson Planning of Simple Present Tense


Lesson Planning of Simple Present Tense

Subject English

Grade V

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Illustrate the use of tenses, (simple present and continuous, simple past and continuous and simple future tense) previously learnt in their speech and writing.

Information for Teachers

  • Simple Present Tense is used to tell about the actions that take place in present.
  • It tells about routines or habitual actions.
  • It is also used for universal truths/facts or statements.
  • In simple present tense, infinitive (first form) of verb is used. We add‘s’ or ‘es’ to the verbs used with he, she, it or any singular noun.


1st form of verb





  • For making negative sentences use does not/do not with infinitive (first form) of verb.


Helping Verb

1st form of verb+s,es


Does n`t


I, We, You, They



Singular subject+ Amna

Does n`t


Plural subject + Amna and Ali



  • For making interrogative sentences use the helping verb do/does in the beginning of the sentences.

Helping verb




He, she, it



I, we, you, they






Akbar and Ali


  • While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult textbook at all steps wherein and whenever it is applicable.


 writing board, chalk/marker, duster, text book


  • Ask the students to think about any two things which: as;

  1. They like/do not like to do.
  2. Their best friend likes/does n`t like to do.

  • Take the feedback from the students randomly. Write the responses of the students on the writing board, leave the repeated responses.
  • Responses could be as;

  1. I don`t like to get up early in the morning.
  2. I like to recite the Holy Quran.
  3. Amna likes to play in the park.
  4. Ali does n`t like to drink milk.

  • Reinforce the concept of adding‘s/es’ and using do/does not.


Activity 1

  • Explain how the negative and interrogative sentences are formed in simple present tense (see information for Teachers for help).
  • Examples:

  1. We go to the park on every weekend.
  2. We don`t go to the park every weekend.
  3. Do we go to the park every weekend?

  • Write at least 5 similar examples with the help of the students.

Activity 2

  • Write the following paragraph on the writing board (you can also get it photocopied and give it to the students, if possible).
  • Ask the students to change the underlined words into Simple Present Tense.
  • Monitor and help the students wherein it is needed.

Milk Bottles

It was a windy day. A milkman came to the front door of a house. He had bottles of milk in one hand. He knocked at the door with his other hand. A woman opened the door and said, “hello”. The milkman replied, “hello I”. The milkman opened his mouth to say something but he slipped. All the milk fell on the floor. He felt sad. He got up and went back home.

Sum up / Conclusion

  • Ask the students: as;
  • The use of simple present tense,
  • When‘s’ and ‘es’ is added to the verb.
  • What words are added to the verb in negative simple present sentences?
  • Repeat information on the use of tenses and how it is useful in writing.


  • Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative sentences.

  1. Ahmad drives a big red car.
  2. Saleem and Akbar speak English very well.
  3. I polish my shoes every day.

Follow up

  • Revise the use of simple present tense.
  • Ask the students to write a five to seven sentences paragraph about their daily routine.


  • Choose a paragraph of a story from the textbook. Ask the students to work in pairs and change the sentences in Simple Present Tense.


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