Lesson Planning of Story Writing Subject English Grade V
Lesson Planning of Story Writing
Subject English
Grade V
Students` learning Outcome
- Write a story using the elements of story writing.
Information for
- The parts of a story consist of five main elements: characters, setting, plot, and conflict along with theme.
- Start the story with an action, dialogue, or thought shot.
- Write your story as if it has happened already not as if it is happening now.
- Set the scene, : introduce the setting, characters, and problems.
- Creates separate paragraph.
- Describe the characters feelings, sights, sounds, smells, not just sights.
- Paragraph has a main sentence and then its explanation.
- When we write we must put all sentences about one thing or idea together in a paragraph i.e. every paragraph talks about just one thing in detail, it is called topic sentence.
- During discussion revise the idea of topic sentence or title sentence around which each paragraph develops.
- The sentences in the paragraph have relationship among themselves as they are organized around one topic or one aspect of the topic.
- The paragraphs about different aspects of a topic also have relationship among themselves as they are written about one topic.
- While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also use textbook at all steps where and when applicable.
Material / Resources
Writing board,
chalk/marker, duster, textbook, notebooks, pencils
- Ask the students whether they notice and identify elements of story writing when they read a story.
- Encourage the students to name the elements of story writing.
Sum up / Conclusion
- Repeat all basic elements of the story to the class.
- Ask the representative from each group to read out their story. Appreciate or advise, as required.
- Display the stories in class.
- Assess students` written work to know about their understanding and learning. Give marks to each group`s stories on the basis of all elements used.
- Involve the students in solving the problems related to story writing given in the exercise at the end of unit/chapter of the textbook.
Follow up
- Encourage the students to visit their school library. Select a story from a storybook and note down the elements of the story.
- Write your own story using elements of story writing on the moral ‘Union is strength’.
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