Lesson Planning of Words Similar and Opposite in Meaning Subject English Grade V


Lesson Planning of Words Similar and Opposite in Meaning

Subject English

Grade V

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Locate, provide, connect and use words similar and opposite in meaning.

Information for Teachers

  • A synonym is a word that has almost the same meaning as another word.
  • An antonym is a word that has opposite meaning.
  • Synonyms and antonyms can be found in a dictionary. But they are best found in a thesaurus.
  • While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult textbook at all steps wherein and whenever it is applicable.

Material / resources

Writing board, chalk/marker, duster, textbook


  • Start with a game: say a few sentences in which you are saying ‘OPPOSITE’ of what is true in reality at that moment, as;

  1. It is very evening (morning)
  2. This is a whiteboard (blackboard)

  • Make some similar sentences according to level of your class.
  • Let the students have fun while they correct you!
  • Tell them that they are going to learn more about antonyms.
  • Say a word and the class is going to provide the opposite of that word. Sample words are given and the antonyms are also given for the convenience of the teacher.

  • Introduce the concept of synonym.
  • Ask your students how many of them re very good? Give a pause and ask how many of them are nice,. Repeat the same activity by asking how many of them are decent. Tell the students that all the words carrying same meanings are called synonyms.


Activity 1

  • Write the following pair of similar and opposite words on the board.
  • Ask the students to copy the pairs of words in their notebooks and ask them to read and tell in small groups whether each pair of words has synonyms or antonyms.
  • Tell them to write “synonyms” or “antonyms” on each line.
  • To help students remember, tell them that just like ‘anti’ means against (anti-corruption, anti- narcotics), antonyms also mean words that are against or opposite in meaning. Synonyms are words which go side by side; alike

  • Ask the students randomly to tell which pairs are synonyms and which are antonyms.


Activity 2

  • Write the following sentences on the board and ask the students to copy them in their notebooks.
  • Read the following sentences carefully and replace the underlined words with a synonym given in options.
  • Many people enjoy holidays. (like, need, hate)

  1. I really admire my English teacher. (appreciate, dislike, recommended)
  2. The courageous firefighter went into the burning house to save the people. (humble, brave, cowardly)
  3. Some people like to chat on the bus.(talk, rest, listen)
  4. The surface of the table is very smooth (rough, even, clean)

  • The activity is solved for the convenience of the teachers.



Activity 3

  • Ask the students to read words carefully and match the words with their opposites. (These are in the correct order for your convenience. Mix them up when you give them to students)
  • Instruct the students to work in pairs to locate and connect to two sets of words (word and antonym). Then ask them to make a sentence using both words to clarify meaning, as;

  1. I want to wear clean clothes not untidy clothes.

  • To make the task less challenging they can be asked to make 2 sentences instead of one but both sentences should be linked in meaning.
  • Monitor and help the students

Sum up / Conclusion

  • Conclude the lesson by revising the main points of the lesson.


  • Give some words and their antonyms in jumbled form to the students and ask them to match words and antonyms and provide a synonym for any one word.
  • Involve the students in solving the problems given in the exercise at the end of unit/chapter.

Follow up

  • Ask the students to find five words from their English textbook and write their synonyms and antonyms in their notebooks.


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