Lesson Planning of Structural and Non-Structural Words Subject English Grade 10th


Lesson Planning of  Structural and Non-Structural Words

Subject English

Grade 10th

Students Learning Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson the students will know about the word Structure or Non-Structure
  • Words are the elements of a sentence. In modern English Grammar words are divided into two broad groups, as;
  • Structural Words or Minor Words
  • Non-Structural Words or Major Words
  • Structural Words or Minor Words are also called Grammatical Words. Non- Structural Words or Major Words are also called Class Words.
  • Differences between Structural Words and Non-Structural Words:
  • Structural Words are used for forming the structure of a sentence. They have little meaning of their own.
  • But Non-Structural Words or Major Words play the important role in conveying the meaning of a sentence.
  • Only Structural Words (a, an, the, this, as, on etc.) can`t make a sentence. But only a major words (Non-Structural Word) can make a sentence (yes, no, come, stop, well, thanks, etc.)
  • The same structural word (a, an, the etc.) can be used more than once in a sentence. But a non-structural word (major word) can`t be usually repeated in a sentence.
  • Structural words (a, an, the, in, on, to, etc.) can`t take any prefixes  or suffix but more and more new words can be formed by adding prefixes or suffixes with the non-structural words or major words(e.g. normal > abnormal ; greed > greedy, etc.)
  • Structural words (a, an, the, this, by, for, etc.) have no inter-relationship while non-structural words or major words or class words have inter-relationship (e.g. happy > happiness>happily etc.)

Structural Words or Minor Words

 Non-Structural Words or Major Words or Class Words

(i) Determiners (a, an, the, this, my, his, our, etc.)

(i) Nouns (boy, girl, cat, bat, hat, etc.)

(ii) Intensifiers or down- toners

(ii) Pronouns (I, we, he, she, they, it, etc.)

(iii) Auxiliaries (shall, will, can, May, etc.)

(iii) Adjectives (good, bad, brave, weak, etc.)

(iv) Prepositions (in, on, to, for, by, with, etc.)

(iv) Main verbs (be, have, do, eat, play, etc.)

(v) Conjunctions or linker (and, but, or, for, as, if, though, although, however, etc.)

(v) Adverbs (ago, always, fast, now, soon, here, there, well, enough, badly, bravely, hardly, quietly, etc.)





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