Lesson Planning of PARTS OF CIRCLE Subject Mathematics Grade 4th


Lesson Planning of PARTS OF CIRCLE

Subject Mathematics

Grade 4th

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Identify Center, radius, diameter and circumference of a circle.
  • Draw a circle of given radius using compass and straightedge / ruler

Information for Teachers

  • Circle: A circle is the set of all points equidistant from a central point.

  • Arc: a curved line that is part of the circumference of a circle.
  • Chord: a line segment inside a circle which joins two points of the circle with each other. (Which may not pass though center of circle?)
  • Circumference: the total distance around the circle.
  • Diameter: the line segment which joins the two points of circle by passing through the center of circle.
  • Center of circle: the point from where all the points of circle are at equal distance.

  • Pi (π): A number, 3.14152… that equal to the circumference / diameter of any circle.
  • Radius: distance from center of circle to any point on it.
  • Tangent of Circle:  a line perpendicular to the radius that touches only one point on the circle.

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk/marker, duster, Geometry box, pencil, rubber, paper, textbook, circular card pieces


  • Ask students the names of circular shape from daily life. (Cycle wheel, ring, and bangle)
  • Tell them, in a cycle wheel where all wires meet called hub (center point) and the length of wires represents radius of the wheel (circle)
  • The strip revolves around the wheel represents circumference of wheel.

  • Roll out thread around the circular card and ask students to measure its length through scale.
  • The measured length will be the circumference.


Activity 1

  • Tell the students that today we discuss circle, how to draw circle and how to find its radius.
  • Ask them if any of the students knows how to draw a circle by using compass?
  • Let them think and respond.
  • If no one answered tell them “how to draw a circle by drawing it on the board”.
  • Ask students to give more examples of a circle.
  • Ask them if any one of them can see the sun or moon? (Ask them, what is the shape of both sun and moon?)
  • Give time to think and respond.

Pair Work:

  • Split class in to pairs.
  • Allocate time of 15 minutes.
  • By drawing different figures ask them to identify the shape of a circle and how we find radius of a circle.

  • See how many students know to draw circle from a compass.
  • Tell them if they find any difficulty in it.
  • By drawing these shapes ask them what shape is of circle? And did we find radius in it?
  • See if anyone can point out?
  • Call students from each pair to come and identify the shape of a circle center point and radius of a circle.
  • Assign questions for individual work.
  • Hence today we learnt about drawing circle.
  • Appreciate the correct work.
  • Correct them where they are wrong.

Activity 2

  • Split class in to groups of four members in each.
  • Give each group different sizes of circular cardboard.
  • Allocate time 15 minutes.
  • Ask the students to identify the radius and circumference of this circle.
  • Tell them: put the compass on the center and open up to the end point of circle. Measure the open compass through ruler. Now We get radius

Sum up / Conclusion

  • Radius, diameter and circumference only related to circle.
  • Circumference is the total length of the circle.
  • Tell them that diameter is twice of radius.


  • What is the relation between radius and diameter?
  • Draw the following circles on board and ask:

  1. What is AB?
  2. What is KM?
  3. What is point A?

  • Teacher involves students to solve exercise given at the chapter of textbook.

Follow up

  • Ask students to draw circles on their worksheets.
  • Ask them to identify the objects of circle at their home.
  • Ask them to draw circles of different sizes with the help of pebbles and chalks on the board and soil.




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