Methods of Teaching the Reading of English as a (F / S language)


Methods of Teaching the Reading of English as a (F / S language)

  • The reading approach is one of the methods that the teacher can use. ... As they move closer to reading, students will improve their knowledge and achieve something new because they are required to read more. Reading becomes important because it is an active skill that involves inferences, guesses, predictions, etc.
  • The following are the main methods of teaching reading:

  1. The Alphabetic Method
  2. The Phonetic Method
  3. The word method or the look and say method
  4. The phrase method
  5. The sentence method
  6. The Deep reading Method
  7. Motivation
  8. The teachers` role
  9. Conclusion 

  • Alphabet Method: This is the oldest method used to teach reading in Pakistan. This method involves teaching students the names of different letters in the alphabet in the same sequence. Once students learn to identify different letters, words are formed, for example by combining letters. For example, the table t-a-b-l-e =. The Pros & Cons of this method are, as;
  • English is not a phonetic language, which means that the pronunciation of a word is not a combination of the different letter sounds that make it up. Consider this: Knowledge.
  • The method is tedious and monotonous because the letters in the alphabet do not represent anything.
  • One letter represents more than one sound, e.g. .; the letter “a” represents eight different sounds. The letter had a different voice; 'Put' and 'but.' Because the alphabet method changes into letters in the reading unit, students who follow this method are not able to achieve good reading speed.
  • Phonetic method: In this method, students learn common sounds from various letters from their names. These sounds are then combined to form words. The words that should be taught in the first stage, for example, are words whose spelling is more or less common. For example, "hats", "rugs" and "mice". The Pros & Cons of this method are, as;
  • In English, different letter forms do not always correspond to the sound they represent. Therefore, the phonetic method is not suitable for the teaching of English.
  • Not all words can be taught with this method. For example, there are many English words with consonants. For example, "Stupid", "doubt".
  • As in this method, it is a unit of letter reading; this slows down the reading speed.
  • Phonetic methods use unfamiliar vocabulary, for example. For example, "Nag" is used for horses. As Dumville said, "The words in the early lessons were chosen because of their phonetic spelling and made them easier to manipulate along phonetic lines. However, these words are not the most interesting or most common in ordinary speech."
  • Word Method or Look and Say Method: In this method, a word is a unit of reading. A word is written on a flash card and this is done with the picture it symbolizes; the word “table” is written and there is a picture of the table.
  • Writing-boards can be used instead of flash cards. In this case, the matchstick figure is drawn by the teacher. As students look at pictures and pronounce words, the word method is also called the “see and say method”. In this method, first some nouns and then verbs are taught. Sentences are formed using these nouns and verbs and certain structural words. Then adjectives and adverbs are added to the verse. The pros and cons of this method;
  • Advantages: Makes words a unit of learning instead of letters. Therefore, students read faster.
  • Since the word has meaning, it becomes interesting to read.
  • In this method, we move from concrete to abstract. The child sees the main object, then the word that marks it, and then the symbol that represents the same thing.
  • Disadvantages: Since not all words can be shown in pictures, they cannot be taught with this method.
  • This encourages bad habits like reading one word at a time.
  • Expression (Phrases) Method: In this method, an expression is a unit of approximation. This method is based on the belief that sentences are more interesting than words. The Cons of the Sentence Method are as follows;
  • The phrase in the sentence does not narrate a complete idea.
  • It is time consuming to start reading verses, because they must eventually be mixed into sentences.
  • Sentence Method: In sentence method of teaching reading by giving first attention to phrases in sentences and later examining these into their spoken and alphabetical mechanisms.   It is contrasted with alphabet method and word method. Professionals put forward this method;
  • This forms the basis of all attitudes and skills for good reading.
  • It helps avoid reading words. Encourage proper eye opening habits.
  • One of the greatest values ​​of the sentence method lies in the help it gives to students from the continuity of meaning that can be embodied in context and material.
  • It makes reading interesting.
  • The Extensive Reading/ An Alternative Approach: Involves students reading long texts or large quantities for general understanding, with the intention of appreciating the texts. Students can choose the books they read based on their interests, and there isn't always follow-up discussion or class work. In this way, students are encouraged to read for fun and should become better readers. The value of this intensive reading procedure, which emphasizes teaching discrete reading skills, has been questioned by some, who argue that teaching students reading strategies does not necessarily make sense for better readers. It is extensively supposed that students may become good readers through reading. In reading, it should mean focusing on the meaning rather than the language of the text.
  • Motivation: Increase motivation and reading will increase. Motivation increases the frequency of reading; it is a better predictor of the quantity and magnitude of current and future readings than the history of previous readings.
  • When you read aloud, your students can give their hard-working brains a break. Instead of focusing all of their energy on decoding the words on the page, they can pay attention to the most enjoyable parts of reading: engaging characters, exciting story lines, witty dialogue, interesting new facts, great discoveries, and dramatic moments. . Increase the variety of text, take the time to read, believe that all children will read dispel the myth of the “good reader”, and make reading fun.
  • The Role of the Teacher: If students also see the teacher as a reader, they will be encouraged to read. The teacher can talk in class about the books he has read, and if he knows the books in the class library, after reading them he can make real recommendations to the students on what to read. The teacher can also read aloud to students, as a way to introduce students to different genres or individual books. The teacher encourages and helps the pupils in their reading, what the pupils do during and / or after the lessons. Occasional summaries (oral or written) can help by showing that students are reading and also understanding the subject matter of their books. Activities can also help students improve their writing or speaking skills. Another activity that teachers can participate in is individual counseling: this gives the teacher the opportunity to ask students about their reading experiences and can be done by the teacher while the rest of the classes are reading silently. But first and foremost, deep reading should be a student-centered, student-led activity.
  • Conclusion: From the above discussion it will be understood that there is no one method of teaching reading that is suitable for all situations and for all learners. Depending on the situation and the group of learners, the teacher should use a logical combination of all the above methods. Also, as stated at the outset, all methods lie on a scale from one letter to the whole discourse; and we all use atomistic and holistic strategies in reading. The sentence method is useful for developing longer eye-span that makes it easier for you to read quickly. On the other hand, phonetic methods will help learners to deal with new words. This is very important because our main purpose is to prepare students to read on their own. To use English as a Library Language, learners need to develop the habit of reading independently.




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