Audio-Video Teaching Resources


Audio-Video Teaching Resources

  • Method means the way to reach a certain result. Thus, the method we use will ease our path, make it more difficult for us, or permanently creates hurdle for us from our initial destination. The method is a fundamental part of any work that claims to be called scientific, and also of any educational activity. With a good application of the most correct method or methods, serious, rigorous and formal educational results will be achieved. The choice of an appropriate method for teaching English as a Second /foreign language is one of the basic questions that every teacher must consider. The choice by one or the other method will substantially determine the result of the educational process. The success of the didactic process is based on the correct choice of the method to follow. Choosing an inappropriate method will result in a number of learning difficulties that will end with the consequence of ineffective learning.
  • The method is the level at which we put our beliefs and theories into practice and at which decisions are made about what is taught, the content, the skills and the order. On the other hand, the approach can generate several methods, since it is the level at which the assumptions about the language and its learning are specified. Throughout the history of foreign language methodology, a series of methods have been succeeding to facilitate, improve and solve educational and learning problems that inextricably arose in the educational process. The implementation of the different educational methods meant a slight or substantial improvement (depending on the cases) in the learning of the target language, but it also showed a necessary improvement. None is unique and perfect, but it is convenient to know them so that each teacher can decide on the methodology in their classes, taking advantage of the benefits of each one and thinking about the best way to promote the learning of a language other than the mother tongue.
  •  The teaching of English is very present in current education, both at the level of compulsory stages and in extracurricular education. To learn this language, it is necessary to work on comprehension and oral and written expressions, which includes vocabulary, grammar, etc. English is among the three languages ​​with the highest number of speakers (at the native level and as a second language); it is the language used mostly in business and during leisure travel around the world. For this reason, it is one of the languages ​​that are most decided to study to complement the mother tongue. There are several methods available to the teacher to bring this language closer to students. Is there the ideal method? Yes of course in my opinion and one of them is the Audio-Visual method or Video and Audio as a teaching resource.

  1. Audio-Visual Aids are those sensory objects or images which initiate or stimulate and reinforce learning.
  2. Visual Aids are any instructional device that can be seen, but not be heard.
  3. Audio Aids are any instructional device that can be heard, but not seen.
  4. Audio-visual aids are a set of mechanical, electrical and / or electronic devices that help us to transmit our speech more effectively; with them it can be heard and visualized.

  • It is the means of communication that achieves the greatest immediacy. It is much cheaper, due to its operation and acquisition. ... It is the medium that poses the least physical obstacles, intellectual difficulties and technical requirements between the sender and the receiver of the radio phonic message
  • The development of listening comprehension skills (Listening) and visually presented scenario is one of the critical success factors in the process of acquiring or learning English as foreign / Second language. Generally, it is developed through exercises and audiovisual activities that involve the use of instruments such as: tape recorders and visually (what you see) or through student-teacher or student-student interaction. Additionally, current educational trends have incorporated the management of new mechanisms to strengthen the teaching-learning processes, especially in the teaching of foreign languages. A clear example of this is the new technologies, which are acquiring a primary importance in the teaching process not only of languages, but also in other fields of knowledge.

Audio and video as forms of interaction for learning

  • Advances in communications, the development of sophisticated applications, and the cheapness of electronic devices make interaction between human beings easier. It is common to find people communicating by video or leaving audio messages using cell phones or computers.
  • These forms of interaction, already common in our environment, are what we must explore and give a pedagogical meaning to achieve learning in our students. We can explore ideas such as conducting video discussions on a proposed topic: the teacher records a video to throw a question to his students and they participate by giving their answers to the question and interact by recording their own videos. Or we can do the same process using audio recordings as a podcast. We can also vary the format of the discussion forums, expression, launching ideas or achieving conversations, formulating doubts using video and / or audio, obtaining feedback on the learning developed by the students almost immediately.
  • The use of these resources (audio and video) can generate a participatory and creative spiral that encourages discussion and self-evaluation of students, even the most timid who do not dare to respond in class (for fear of the public), but it generates turn the doubt about its complexity and privacy.
  • At first, considering the complexity, we could think of Whats App, which allows voice messages, or Facebook, which allows making video recordings in a simple way, but these tools have strong problems with privacy.
  • Against this, we propose two tools Flip grid and Synth that stand out for being simple to use, better handling of privacy and having been designed as learning platforms.
  • These tools allow students to record their ideas and demonstrate learning in a format that can be easily shared with parents and family members, the former using video and the latter using audio.
  • Thus, given a task, question, questionnaire or opinion, the student through his answers can:

  1.     Develop the capacity for expression and elocution.
  2.     Give an opinion on a reading, a movie you have seen, a topic covered in class, etc.
  3.     Review your possibilities of analysis on the subject.
  4.     Empower yourself by giving you a voice and vote.
  5.     Increase your confidence in front of other students.
  6.     See other colleagues and review what aspect I can improve, imitate and avoid.
  7.     Review your own practices and forms of expression.

  • And the teacher can help the evaluation of the activity and offer the possibility of feedback based on the work developed by the student.

Advantages of Audio, Video Teaching resources:

  • The use of video in the classroom therefore facilitates the construction of meaningful knowledge given that the communicative potential of images, sounds and words is used to transmit a series of experiences that stimulate the senses and different learning styles in the students.
  • It is convenient for group teaching.
  • It is economical and it can be used over and again
  • It captured attention.
  • It can be used for drill and revision
  • It can be used for drawings and illustration from the textbooks

Disadvantages of Audio, Video teaching Resources:

  • The rate of change in technology is very fast and teachers and students cannot keep up with the rate of change of such technology. The price of implementing this technology is high. Student motivation can be tricky.


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