Lesson Planning of Multi-Syllable Words with Correct Spellings Subject English Grade 3rd
Lesson Planning of Multi-Syllable Words
with Correct Spellings
Subject English
Grade 3rd
Students` Learning Outcomes
- Write multi-syllable words with correct spellings
Information for Teachers
- All words have a syllable. A syllable is the part of the word that is said out loud as a single sound.
- Some words have one syllable such as “ball”, "dog" and some words have two syllables such as “ta-ble”",ap-ple"., some are three syllables, as; "fan-tas-tic","la-dy-bug" and four syllables as; "mys--ti-ri-ous", "sal-a-man-der"
- Many words have more than one or two syllables can help you pronounce a word you do not know when you first see it by breaking it into smaller sounds. Each syllable has a vowel in it e.g. ‘he-llo’, ‘far-mer’, ‘af-ter-noon’, ‘en-ten-ces’, ‘pic-ture’, ‘Eng-lish’
- While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult textbook at all steps where and when applicable.
Material / Resources
Writing board, chalk/marker, duster, colours,
- Write these two words on the board. Eng-lish sen-ten-ces, read them loudly, clearly breaking into syllables.
- Ask the students that they are going to play a name-clapping game.
- Tell children that they will look at the names of the children in the group, listen to the sounds in the names, and clap the syllables.
- Use your name to start the game. Hold up your name.
- say it, and clap it. Then have children say the name and clap with you. Finally, say the name and let them clap it alone. Have all the children say the name and clap the syllables.
- Repeat the game with each child saying his or her own name, and clapping the syllables individually.
Activity 1
- Revise the alphabet sounds (Vowel & Consonants)
- Write the following short passage on the writing board.
- Ask the students to note down and read it aloud in pairs.
- When the students read it aloud ask them to break up the words written in bold into different syllables by encircling them e.g. e/le/phant. Used coloured markers / chalk to circle the syllables Monitor and help the students, indicating vowels in each syllables, emphasizing that each syllable has to have a vowel sound.
- The girl is sitting on bench. She is reading a book. An elephant is behind the tree. The girl is looking at the colourful pictures in the book. She can`t see the elephant.
Activity 2
- Do an oral drill of the days of the week. Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Write them on the board and break the words in syllables.
- Tell the students to open their copies and get ready for dictation.
- Repeat the words at least twice to facilitate the students.
- Once the dictation is finished give students minimum
five minutes to read and check their work for correct spellings individually.
Conclusion / Sum up
- Ask the students how do they break up different syllables to read correctly and tell them to listen and break the different syllables and then write them down so that they can write correct spellings.
- Ask the students to check each other`s work for correct spellings and capitalization.
- Tell the students to give marks out of 7.
- Teacher is also required to involve the student in solving the problems given in the exercise at end of unit/ chapter.
Follow up
- Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday broke these day of week into syllables.
- Ask the students to find out at least five multi-syllable words from their book and write them in their copies
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