Lesson Planning of Naming Words Subjects English Grade 1st for Beginners


Lesson Planning of Naming Words

Subjects English

Grade 1st for Beginners

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Recognize that people and places have particular names.
  • Read common naming words and match with pictures.
  • Read aloud words with reasonable level of accuracy in pronunciation.
  • Point out / name some common objects in a picture or a photograph. Write appropriate naming word(s) to identify an object or an action in picture.

  • Recall and match common naming words with picture from immediate environment.
  • Recognize and change the number of simple naming words by adding or removing (s) singular/plural)
  • Identify gender of naming words from immediate environment (masculine / Feminine)
  • Differentiate   between words ending with /s/ and /z/ sounds in the plural form of a word.

Information for Teachers

  • You can make the learning in this lesson more meaningful by students by showing real objects to them. In some cases you may show pictures of objects. But students will become much more engaged if you walk into class with a big basket having some toys and fruits and vegetables.

  • While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult textbook at all steps where and when applicable


  • Ask students to guess what ‘naming words’ are? Take them back to the concept of their own names, 
  • Tell them that just like them, animals, things, and places have names too.

  • Ask them the name of the place where they live? (House)
  • Ask them the name of the white oval thing that we eat for breakfast. (Egg)
  • Ask names of different categories of objects, such as the name of the thing from where rain comes (cloud, but even sky is acceptable)


Activity 1

  • Provide a chart having pictures of bulb, cake, cup, car, desk, jug, lamp, mug, pen, pencil, van, etc. these are mostly names of things which are same in English as well as in your mother language. You can bring some of these objects to class too, such as a cup and a bulb, pen, pencil.
  • Tell them again that everything has a name so that we can recognize it and differentiate it from others.

  • Ask the names of those things which are same in English and your mother language, or ones for which the same word is commonly used even though there is a separate your mother language like ‘Urdu’ word, as; car, pen, etc.

Activity 2

  • Show the things in the immediate environment to the students: in the classroom, school or home.

  • Ask the names of these things. The students may tell the names in their mother tongue. Don`t interrupt them first. Appreciate them for telling the names. Tell the names in English. Repeat the names many times.
  • This activity can also be done with the help of flashcards. Prepare picture flashcards of all the pictures whose names you want to teach to the students.

  • Show a picture flashcard to the students, ask its name. if the student answers correctly, appreciate him/her. Repeat the names many times.
  • Mix the picture flashcard in other picture flashcards. Say the name of the flashcard aloud. Ask any student to find out the picture flashcard. If the student finds out the correct flashcard, it means the student has recognized the name of that things and he/she is able to match name with the object. Practice with all the words.
  • Prepare picture as well as word flashcards of all the objects you want to teach to the students. Give picture flashcards to one group of students and word flashcards to the other group of students. One member from one group will read the name and the member in the other group having the picture will come out with the picture and say the name aloud. Then all the students will say the name aloud.
  • Prepare a worksheet having names of objects in one column and picture in the other column. Ask the students to say the name of the picture aloud and join the picture with the word.
  • Ask the students to read aloud words with reasonable level of accuracy in pronunciation.

Activity 3

  • Tell students that their body parts have names too.
  • Touch your head and say ‘head’, asking the students to follow the action and your words.
  • Follow the same for face, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, arms, hands, fingers, legs, toes.

  • Repeat several times, going faster and asking students to do it with you rather than following you.

Activity 4

  • Repeat the boy parts activity with variations.
  • Give students a break from work by asking them to stand up and touch their nose, or touch their ears, turn their face to left / right etc.

Activity 5

  • Show a pencil to the students. Ask them, “How many pencils are these?” The students will say, “one”. Add one or two pencils and ask, “Are these one or more than one?” the students may not be able to tell first. Help them and say, “These are more than one,” repeat this activity with different objects.
  • Keep one pencil in one hand and more than one pencil in the other hand. Stretch forward your hand with one pencil and say, “pencil”. Stretch forward your hand with more than one pencil and say, “pencils”. Repeat this activity with different objects.
  • Draw one pencil on the board and write ‘pencil’ under it. Draw more than one pencil on the board and write ‘pencils’ under it. Tell the students that we add‘s’ for the words showing more than one words. Repeat this activity with different objects.
  • Now, provide a list of words having singular as well as plural words. Focus on the words which make plural only by adding‘s’. Ask students to write in different columns the words showing one or more than one thing. Now ask the students how they will change the word to show more than one thing. They may answer, “By adding‘s’” ask them to add‘s’ to the end of words.(use 3-4 letter words that the students are familiar with such as; boy, toy, cat, star, car, tree, girl, shoe, etc.)

Activity 6

  • Prepare picture flashcards of brother, sister, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, etc. show the flashcards in pairs and ask students boy or girl?; man or woman?. Provide a list of the words boys, girls, men and women. Ask the students to write them in correct columns.

Activity 7

  • Blend gender and plurals for this short activity. Make two boys/girls stand in class on one side, and just one child on the other, and ask the rest of the class to say ‘Two boys’, when you point that way, and ‘One boy’ when you point towards the boy standing alone.

Activity 8

  • Ask the students to look at the picture and tell the names of things in the picture. (This picture may be taken from the textbook)
  • Ask the students to find out the spelling of naming words from the textbook or ask their teacher. They will learn the spelling of these words.
  • Ask the students to write naming words under each picture.

Activity 9

  • Show different charts having pictures and their naming words like names of animals, fruits, vegetables, parts of body, objects in the classroom and at home, names of colours, and shapes.
  • Show different charts having pictures of action’s and action words the students have already learnt.
  • Ask the students to look at the pictures of actions and action words the students have already learnt.
  • Ask the students to look at the picture in every chart, tell the name or action. If the response is correct, appreciate the students; otherwise, tell the correct naming or action word. Repeat this process for all the charts and pictures. Tell the students which are naming words and which are action words.
  • Prepare a list of words having naming and action words. Prepare a worksheet having columns with the heading of ‘Naming Words’ and ‘Action Words’. Ask the students to read the list of words, recognize the category and write in the appropriate column.

Conclusion / Sum up

  • Brain-storm: Ask students about things they love eating, and put them on the board. If they don`t know the English word, and use the mother tongue words, gently help them to learn the English word.
  • Also ask them about things they have seen in the market, or in shop windows


  • This lesson is based on activities. Use formative assessment to assess the students` performance. This will guide you to pace yourself accordingly. Repeat activities if you feel all the students are not yet ready to move on to new learning.
  • Teacher is also required to involve the students in solving the problems given in the exercise at the end of unit/chapter.

Follow up


  • Assign work in groups. Ask one group to think of names of things you see in a park. The other group can think of names of things you eat! The third can come up with the names of sport-related things etc.
  • Ask each group to share one word, then ask each group to share their second word, and continue like this.
  • If a group runs out of words, they will be out of the game, but they will listen to the others and learn.
  • The group that remains not-out till the end will be declared the winner.


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