Lesson Planning of Short Poems /Nursery Rhymes with Action Subject English Grade 2nd


Lesson Planning of Short Poems /Nursery Rhymes with Action

Subject English

Grade 2nd

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Read and recite short poems or nursery rhymes with action.
  • Articulate and recognize simple rhyming words.
  • Copy rhyming words from a poem, Write more rhyming words.
  • Familiarize themselves with rhythm, stress and intonation of English language.
  • Comprehend simple stories and poems read aloud in class.

Information for Teachers

  • Singing nursery rhymes verbally should be an on-going activity throughout the term.

  • Use the detailed format for discussion and finding rhyming words in the sequence in which this lesson plan has been inserted. The oral repetition of nursery rhyme should start from the first week of the school year.
  • Select poems that are short and simple enough for the students to follow.

  • Select poems that don`t contradict moral and ethical values. Every poem doesn’t have to have a moral, choose poems that are fun to read, just make sure they don`t encourage negative attitudes.
  • Select poems that you think your students will enjoy, and with which students can do actions such as Old MacDonald had a Farm, Insy Pansy Spider.
  • While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult with textbook at all steps where and when applicable.

Duration / Number of periods

2 periods for each new poem, plus 5 minutes for revision on every other day for the rest of the term

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk/marker, duster, books of nursery rhymes with pictures in them, cut-outs and props of characters and objects mentioned in the poem, audio-recording (if available)


Recite a poem couple of times with actions to the students; follow the rhyme and rhythm and use intonation and actions as required.

Ask them if they understand what it is about? Tell them what it is about?


Activity 1

  • Introduce the gist/idea/story of the poem in a few words; e.g. Little Miss Muffet sat on a Tuffet…….

  • Tell the students that they would be reciting a poem about a little girl and a big spider and how afraid she was of the spider.
  • Also show pictures from the poetry book or draw pictures on the board.
  • Make cutouts of characters of a poem. These can be worn as masks or held in hands by the students as they perform in pairs or groups.
  • These cut-outs can be pinned /pasted on the board/wall or hung by strings in the classroom.
  • Sing the poem with appropriate rhyme and rhythm a couple of times, encouraging students to join in the action.
  • Spend 5 minutes in the beginning of the English period to repeat the poem. Don`t repeat it too many times on one day, or the children will get tired of it.
  • Don`t stop to make corrections at this stage rather speak the words deliberately and clearly so that students follow the correct words and pronunciation.
  • Write the poem on the writing board once the students start to learn it, and point to the words as they recite it, so that they are able to read it as well.
  • Continue till they are able to sing it together as a group.
  • Afterwards ask students to come forward in pairs / groups to recite the poem.
  • Point to one line in the poem and ask students to read that only.

Activity 2

  • Ask students to read the poem and find rhyming words; underline / circle them. Help them to find one pair to give an example.

  • Ask them to write them down.
  • Brainstorm with the students to come up with more rhyming words.
  • Ask students to write these in their notebooks.

Activity 3

  • Ask simple questions that require one or two word answers, as; take the above poem. (These are only suggested questions. You can have a more natural discussion, allowing students to take it in any direction. For example, children may want to take about other insects or animals that they are afraid of. Allow them to have this discussion or to discuss any other thoughts that arise after hearing the poem)

  1. Do you like the poem?

  1. What is the name of the girl?
  2. How many spiders/girls are there?
  3. What did she eat?
  4. Where did the spider sit?
  5. Was she afraid of the spider?

Are you afraid of the spider?

  1. Do you like the spider / Miss Muffed / spider?

Conclusion / Sum up

Revise the poem

  • Ask students to tell the story of the poem in their own words, in English.


  • Formative assessment (on-going) of poems regarding rhyme and rhythm / words, intonation and actions should be carried out.
  • Teacher is required to involve the students in solving the problems given in the exercise at end of unit / chapter.

Follow up

  • Continue to give practice to the students by revising the poems regularly.
  • Ask a different child to lead the singing each time.
  • Instruct the child who will lead to us actions in a lively manner. The child may add his own actions if he likes.


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