Lesson Planning of Story Telling / Narrative Subject English Grade 4th


Lesson Planning of Story Telling / Narrative

Subject English

Grade 4th

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Describe briefly story elements:
  • Tell when and where the story is set
  • Describe the character in a story
  • Express preferences about them

Information for Teachers

  • Stories are the medium through which students used to learn a lot about life skills and about feelings / emotions

  • All stories have some basic element: as;
  • Place & Time (setting)
  • Characters,
  • Plot (events)
  • Storytelling is an expression of the English language. "Story" means history and "telling" means telling. Storytelling is much more than a narrative; it is the art of telling stories using techniques inspired by writers and screenwriters to convey a message in an unforgettable way.
  • The important parts of the story are beginning / middle and end. You need to keep this in mind.
  • You need to read the story by following the original text. Read word by word and avoid adding or deleting in the text of the story so as to remain as close as possible to the original version.
  • Select a story. It will help to save time in reading and you can explain the elements better.
  • Different readers respond differently to different narratives. Some might love the story, yet other may not like the characters or the ending of the story. This is because we all have different prior knowledge and experiences that make us have different likes and dislikes. Even cultural values and traditions determine what we will like or not like about a story.
  • While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult textbook at all steps where and when applicable.

Material / Resources

Writing book, chalk / marker, duster, story book preferably with some illustrations / pictures to aid comprehension and maintain interest level, sample story appendix


  • Tell them the concept of a story. Write the main elements of the story on the board.
  • Ask one student to volunteer to retell a familiar story that other students also know.
  • Ask the student is telling the story, ask him to stop at places to highlight the elements as they occur in the story: character / setting / time etc.
  • Tell them that there are number of story elements in a story which actually completes the story. Tell them a brief introduction of each element i.e. time and place of the story.
  • Encourage students to tell you about the elements of this story.


Activity 1

  • Divide the class in the number of groups depending on the number of story copies you have with you.
  • Ask the class to read the story.
  • Now ask the class about the time and space of the story. They have a picture with the text. Ask them to see the picture and guess what time it is? Ask them the place where the story is set? The picture and the events in the story will help them in answering these questions.
  • Ask them to raise their hands for the answers.
  • Expect students to speak in complete sentences with clear description of the story.
  • When they are done with this, ask them about the number of characters in it.
  • Help them out to locate the characters.
  • Encourage students to tell which character was their favourite and why?
  • Now repeat for which characters was their least favourite and why?

Conclusion / Sum up

  • Conclude the lesson by again telling them the story elements and a brief introduction to them. Keep the conclusion a bit short.


  • Ask the class about the story elements. Ask them how many they have read today and give example from the story.
  • Teacher is also required to involve the students in solving the problems given in the exercise at end of unit / chapter.

Follow up

  • Ask the students to retell the story to their family members and their friends.
  • Ask them what part of the story they would like to change. If given a chance would they like to change the end of the story? If yes, how and why you would like change? If not, then why not?
  • Encourage critical thinking by asking what part they changed and why and which character they would like to be and why?
  • After reading a fairy tale with your child, help them understand the text message with the following questions:

  1. Why did the two goats decide to abandon their flock?
  2. What did the two goats do when they reached the riverbank?
  3.  Why can't two goats cross the forest at the same time to cross the river?
  4.  How can you prevent two goats from falling into the river?

  • What lessons can we learn from this story?




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