Lesson Planning of Countable and Uncountable Nouns Subject English Grade 8th


Lesson Planning of Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Subject English

Grade 8th

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Identify and differentiate between countable and uncountable nouns.

Information for Teachers

  • The concept of countable and uncountable nouns can be difficult for young students to understand easily. Visual examples are useful in helping the students understand the difference.
  • In modern English Grammar Nouns are broadly divided into two categories- (a) Countable Noun, (b) Uncountable or Mass Noun;
  • Countable nouns can be “counted”, they have a/an, or a numerical word as one, two etc. before them or can be used in the plural like (a book, an apple) and plural form (three books two apples)
  • Uncountable nouns can`t be counted. Uncountable nouns are materials, concepts, information, etc. which are not individual objects and can`t be counted, such as; water, sand, rice, sugar, air, etc.
  • Usually, Common Nouns and some Collective Nouns are countable nouns.
  • However, when a proper noun, a material noun or abstract noun is used as a common noun or used in a specific sense, it can have an article (a, an, the) before it can be used in the plural.
  • Countable nouns can have many / a few to denote non-specific higher or lower number, while uncountable nouns can have much / a little to denote non-specific higher or lower quantity. ‘A lot of’ is common in both the cases.

Countable Nouns

Uncountable Nouns

A boy, a book, a pen, etc.

A few boy, a few books, etc.

Many boys, many books, etc.

Some boys, some books, etc.

A lot of boys, a lot of books, etc.

Rice, water, milk, etc.

A little rice, a little water, etc.

Much rice, much water, etc.

Some rice, some water, etc.

A lot of rice, a lot of water, etc.

  • Many men, many women, many boys, many girls, many cows, and much butter, much sugar, much salt, much tea, much honey, much money, etc.

  • Note: The usage of ‘much money’ needs some special attention. You may think that money can be counted, and then why ‘much’ instead of ‘many’ before ‘money’? in fact, money can`t be counted as it is a Collective Noun- taken as a whole. Coins and notes can be counted, ‘Not Money’ we can`t say ‘one money’, ‘two money’etc. though we can say ‘one rupee’, ‘two rupee’, ‘one dollar’, ‘two dollar’ etc. Hence, ‘money is an ‘Uncountable Noun and ‘much’ instead of ‘many’ is placed before it.
  • Note: ‘Any’ is used in questioning and ‘some’ or ‘a lot of / lots of’ is used in answering before both Countable and Uncountable Nouns.
  • Consult the textbook where applicable.

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk / marker, duster, a leaf, two pebbles, some sand, a glass of water, a textbook, charts


  • Bring one leaf, two pebbles, some sand / mud and a glass of water in the class.
  • Ask the whole class: How many leaves are there on the table?
  • After the students have given the answer, ask them about pebbles. Then ask about sand and water. Ask the students whether they can count sand and water in numbers. They will say ‘No’.
  • Tell them that the things that can be counted in numbers are called ‘countable nouns’ and the things that can`t be counted in numbers are called ‘uncountable nouns’.


Activity 1

  • On the board, make two columns. Write ‘countable nouns’ and ‘uncountable nouns’ on top of each column respectively.
  • Divide the class into two teams. Both teams have to name ten countable and ten uncountable nouns from their home or surroundings.
  • Team A will name countable nouns and the Team B will name uncountable nouns. If any team names a wrong noun, the point will be given to the other team. The team which scores more points will win.
  • Maintain discipline during the activity.
  • Ask the students to raise their hands to name the nouns.

Sum up / Conclusion

  • Conclude the lesson by repeating the difference between countable and uncountable nouns with examples.


  • Write the following nouns on the board.
  • Ask the students to write ‘c’ for countable and ‘u’ for uncountable nouns.

    1. Water
    2. Fruit
    3. Coconut
    4. Bread
    5. Salt
    6. Meat
    7. Ball
    8. Snake
    9. Glasses
    10. Pen
    11. Milk
    12. Chair
    13. Sofa
    14. Bus
    15. Food
    16. Chocolate
    17. Ship
    18. Juice
    19. Insect
    20. Oil

Follow up

  • Tell the students to write down at least 10 countable and 10 uncountable nouns in their notebooks which they can see at their homes or in surroundings.


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