Lesson Planning of Pie Chart / Picture Graph Subject English Grade 3rd


Lesson Planning of Pie Chart / Picture Graph

Subject English

Grade 3rd

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Read information in a picture graph and a pie chart.

Information for Teachers

  • Picture graphs are a simple kind of graph used to show the relationship among various quantities. They include pictures or symbols to portray information visually.
  • Pie charts are circular charts (pie shaped); it is split into segments to show percentages or the relative contributions of categories of data. A pie chart gives an immediate visual idea of the relative sizes of the shares of a whole. It is a goods method of representation if we wish to compare a part of a group with the whole group.

  • Reading information on the pie chart and the picture graph is important because it gives comparison.
  • While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult the textbook where and when applicable.

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk / marker, duster, a picture card of the pie chart, textbook, notebooks


  • Ask students to tell which kind of movie they like best
  • Record the result of this survey on the board.

  • Now draw a pie chart by using different coloured chalks on the board and show the result of the survey in it.

  • Read aloud the information given on the pie chart.
  • Briefly tell them about the pie charts that it is a really good way to show relatives sizes: it is easy to see which movie types are most liked, and which are least liked, at a glance.


Activity 1

  • Show the picture card of the pie chart to students. You can draw the pie chart on a card paper or on the writing board by using coloured chalks. (Don’t cut it from here).

  • Read aloud the information given on the pie chart.
  • Read the marks written on the pie chart (Expected answer; 60, 90, 80, 77)
  • Ask a student:
  • What does the pie chart represent / explain? (Expected answer: Ali`s marks in English, Maths, Science and Urdu)
  • On giving correct answers ask other students to clap for him / her.
  • Tell them:
  • Pie chart is divided into parts. The size of parts in the pie chart given below gives us comparison of marks of four subjects. The bigger the size the better the marks are.
  • Stress on why reading information on the pie chart is important. (It gives us comparison).

Activity 2

  • Ask students to draw the pie chart in their notebooks and answer the question given below:
  • How many marks has Ali scored in English, Maths, Science and Urdu? (Expected answer; Ali has scored 77 marks in English, 90 in Maths, 80 in Science and 60 in Urdu)

Activity 3

  • Divide students in group of 4-5.
  • Ask them to make a pie chart showing how many periods / lessons have they of English, Maths, Science, Urdu, Social Studies, Islamiat, in a week.

Activity 4

  • Show the following picture graph to the students.

  • Marks of four students in the picture graph (Activity 4 & 5)
  • Ask one of the students to read aloud the information across the graph. (Expected answer; Maths, English, Science, Urdu)
  •  Ask another students to read the information down the graph, loudly.(Expected answer; 100, 80, 60, 40, 20, 0, and the names of the children)
  • Appreciate students by saying very good for correct answers.
  • Ask the students to tell:
  • What information is given on the left side of the graph?(Expected answer; Total marks in the subjects(100, 80, 60, 40, 20, 0)
  • Read the names of the children given in the graph (Expected answer; Aslam, Saleem, Waqarul, Tan veer).
  • What colour is allotted to each child?(Expected answer; Aslam blue, Saleem red, Waqarul green,  Tan veer Purple)
  • What does the graph tell about four students?(Expected answer; Comparison amongst the marks of four students)

Activity 5

  • Ask them to look at the graph and tell the marks of Aslam in Maths, English, Science and Urdu. (Expected answer; Aslam has scored 60 marks in Maths, below 60 in English, above seventy in Science and above 60 in Urdu)
  • Guide them in reading information at the left side of the grph for marks given.
  • Tell them that each gap i.e. 0-20 is covering 20 marks 20-40 again are covering next 20 and in this way each for reaching 100.
  • Explain by pointing at the graph again and again.
  • Make sure that the students understand the concept.

Sum up / Conclusion

  • Ask them the following questions;

    1. What is picture graph?
    2. What is pie graph?
    3. Why are picture graph and pie chart used for?
    4. What type of information can we get from them?


  • Written work: Draw the picture graph in your notebooks and answer the questions given below:
  • Who got the highest marks in Maths, English, Science, and Urdu? (Expected answer; Maths: Saleem, English Saleem, Urdu Aslam.)
  • Who got the lowest marks in all subjects? (Expected answer; Tan veer got the lowest marks in all the subjects)
  • Give marks for the assessment.
  • Involve the students in solving problems given in exercise at the end of unit / chapter.

Follow up

  • How many marks did Waqarul score in Maths? (Expected answer; Waqarul scored above 40 in Maths).
  • How many marks did Tan veer score in Urdu? (Expected answer; Tan veer scored 40 in Urdu)
  • Note: you can draw the graph on the writing board, by using coloured chalks. Don`t cut it from here.





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