Lesson Planning of Reading a Clock Subject English Grade 3rd
Lesson Planning of Reading a Clock
Subject English
Grade 3rd
Students` Learning Outcomes
- Locate specific simple information in a clock
for Teachers
- A clock has hands to show hours, minutes and seconds.
- Some clock may have only two hands while others may have three.
- Clocks may also have am alarm system and a hand to show the alarm.
- While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult the textbook where and when required.
/ Resources
board, chalk / marker, duster, a clock, picture cards (sample attached), You
must draw the picture cards for o`clock, quarter past and half hour time to
students based on the sample, show different time to students, you can also
make a model of the clock or bring an original clock in class to do all the
- Ask the students at what time they wake up / have breakfast / come to school.
- Paste
the pictures of twelve hour clocks on board and ask students to think and tell
what time it is on the clock. (Expected answer; should be in o`clock e.g. 1 o`
clock) do this for all twelve hours.
- Appreciate the students who give correct answers.
- You can use the clock to do this activity. Hold the clock in your hands and keep changing the time to ask students about all twelve hours)
- Tell them that at the turn of the hour, the small hand of the clock is always on the number which tells the hour and the bigger hand is always on 12 and represents the minutes.
- Go over the concept of mathematics:
- Half (1/2), full, and quarter (1/4)
Hold the clock in your hands and ask different timings for o` clock and half hour from students in pairs.
- Ask the students to think and tell the time on the clock. The answer must be
- In half past (draw 12:30 on the clock the bigger hand will be at 6 and the smaller hand will be between 12 and 1 o` clock). Tell them that it is half past 12. Repeat this activity for 4:30, 6:30, 8:30, etc. on the clock to help students understand and learn the concept.
- Ask the students to think and tell the time on the clock. The answer must be in quarter past. (Draw 01:15 on the clock. The bigger hand will be at 3 and the smaller hand will be slightly after 1 and before 2). Tell them that it is quarter past 1. Repeat this activity for 2:15, 3:15, 6:15, etc. to help student’s understand and learn the concept.
All the students should work in pairs and draw half past 1, quarter past 2, half past 3, and quarter past 6 on clocks in their notebooks.
- After the students have finished the work, ask one pair to draw half past 1 on the board. The students must appreciate the child by clapping fir him / her for giving the right answer.
up / Conclusion
- Remind students that an hour is one whole and it are divided into parts called minutes.
- It is also divided into fractions of half, quarter. Ask them to repeat the information.
- When the actual time in your class is 15 or 30 minutes past the hour, ask students to tell the time.
- Students solve the worksheet as an assessment, (if facility of photocopy is not available draw the clocks on the board)
- Involve the students in solving problems given in exercise at the end of unit / chapter.
- Make one clock each on the notebooks showing o` clock, quarter past and half past time.
- Ask them the time on the clock on a regular basis. Keeping in mind when o` clock, quarter past and half past time comes in daily routine.
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