Lesson Planning of Reading Table and Chart Subject English Grade 3rd


Lesson Planning of Reading Table and Chart

Subject English

Grade 3rd

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Read tables and charts in the classroom.

Information for Teachers

  • Look at the options available for charts / weather charts / charts.
Make the students familiar with the basic terms: e.g. heading, subheading, columns and rows, key, signs and symbols.

  • Reading across (____), diagonally (/) and vertically (1) is learnt a skill. You can interpret different data by reading the text in different directions as in tables and charts.
  • Charts are used to explain difficult concepts. Students get motivated and develop interest in the discussion about a traditionally dry subject.
  • Charts in the classes, make the classroom look beautiful. It will add to the environment of the class. Students will have greater ownership for their class.

  • While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult with textbook where and when required to do.

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk / marker, duster, weather charts, table of contents, timetable, duty charts, date sheet, textbook, notebooks


  • Begin with presenting some universal symbols like traffic signals and a tick / cross.
  • Display the charts, you have brought with you, before hand and try to draw attention of the students towards these charts.

  • Tell them the concept of diagonal, vertical and across reading of text ( up to down, left to fight and even diagonally). Use specific vocabulary drawing their attention to how information get strong through the use of symbols instead of words.
  • Draw on board:
  • Across (_______________)
  • Diagonal              (/)
  • Vertical              (1)


Activity 1

  • Divide the class in different groups, depending on the size of the class.
  • Give the same weather chart to each group (The weather chart is given at the end of the lesson).
  • Tell the students how to take information out from the chart.
  • Explain signs and symbols which are used in charts and tables. (Cloudy, rainy day, windy day, sunny day)

  • Now ask the class to take out different kinds of information from the chart for e.g. “How was the weather this week?”
  • Or if you use a duty chart, ask about different duties and the names of the people who are given those duties.
  • Call different students in front of the class to explain the duties of different students with the help of the chart. (Take help from duty chart given at the end of the lesson)

Activity 2

  • Divide the class in groups.
  • Give one chart (for example parts of the plant, classroom rules, weather) to each group and ask them to read the given charts within the group.
  • After this, ask them to present whatever they read in their charts to the whole class like the weather person on TV.
  • It will improve their confidence and the class will be able to read the charts as well.

  • After the presentations, ask the class to summarize the charts which they have just read.

Sum up / Conclusion

  • Ask them why we use charts and tables while teaching different subjects in the class.
  • Ask them to read all the charts, and also try to read the banners, menu cards, notices and train schedule, etc. when they go out with family / friends.


  • Assess each group on the reading and reporting of specific information required by the teacher.
  • Involve the students in solving problems given in exercise at the end of unit / chapter.

Follow up

  • Ask one group to prepare a duty chart for the class and ask the other group to work on the classroom rules chart.
  • Ask the class to make a habit of reading to read the banners which are present in the city.
  • Picture of weather charts or duty charts, (displayed in the class)
  • Note: The teacher will make the chart themselves for the first time and then ask the students to prepare their own charts. The above chart is just a sample.




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