Lesson Planning of Verbs: Be, Do, and Have Subject English Grade 5th


Lesson Planning of Verbs: Be, Do, and Have

Subject English

Grade 5th

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Illustrate use of different forms of the verb be, do, and have with their correspondence pronouns I, we, you, he, she, it, they

Information for Teachers

  • Be, do and have are helping verbs but they can also be used as main verbs.
  • The verbs ‘am’, ‘is’, ‘are’, ‘was’, and ‘were’, are the forms of the verb ‘be’.
  • The verb ‘be’ does n`t show action. It tells what someone or something is or is like.
  • The verbs ‘am’, ‘is’, and ‘are’ tell what someone or something is now (present ) such as;

    1. I am a teacher
    2. I am hungry
    3. She is a student
    4. He is laughing
    5. They are happy
    6. We are studying

  • Following forms of the verb ‘to be’ are used with different pronouns:

  • The verb ‘have’ shows possessions, such as;

I have a piano

She has a new doll

They have many cats

  • The forms of the verb ‘have’ are ‘has’ and ‘had’ is used with the past tense.

  • The verb ‘do’ is one the most common verbs in English. It can be used as helping verb and a main verb. The verbs ‘do’ and ‘does’ are used to express daily activities, such as;

    1. I do homework.
    2. He does his duty.

  • The concept may be repeated in another class, to make the concept clear. While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also consult the textbook where it is required.

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk / marker, duster, charts, some pictures (girl or boy, a girl, or boy doing some action, people doing some actions, a pet animal)


  • Bring some pictures to the class.
  • Hold a picture of a girl in your hand. Ask the whole class: Is she a girl or a boy? (The students may answer: girl)
  • Encourage the students to give some answer in a complete sentence: She is a girl.

  1. Ask a student: Are you a girl or a boy?

  • Practice the question with a few students.
  • Tell students that they have to answer in complete sentences: I am a boy. I am a girl.
  • Draw three columns on the writing board.
  • Write I am in the first column. Write He is, she is. It is in the second column. Write you are, we are, they are in the third column:


I am

He is

She is

It is

You are

We are

They are

  • Tell the students that we use the verb ‘am’ with ‘I’.
  • Similarly tell them we use the verb ‘is’ with ‘he’, ‘she’ and ‘it’. We use the verb ‘are’ with ‘you’, ‘we’ and ‘they’. Give examples while you teach.
  • Hold another picture in your hand. Ask the whole class:
  • What are he / she doing? (The students may answer. He / she is smiling / writing / running (whichever) action is shown in the picture)
  • Point to a student and ask the whole class: What is he doing?
  • Practice the question with a few students. Tell students that they have to answer in complete sentences: He / she is talking / writing / smiling / sitting.
  • Show the students another picture and ask:
  • What are they doing? (The students may answer as; they are playing / running (whichever action is shown in the picture)
  • Ask the students:

  1. What are we doing? (Use actions to show ‘we’) image

  • Show the students a picture of a cat and say: it is a cat.
  • Touch the wall and say: it is a wall.
  • Call a few students (one by one) to your desk. Have them touch different objects. Ask each student: what is it?
  • Draw two columns on the writing board. Write ‘I have’, ‘you have’, ‘they have’, ‘and we have’ in one column.
  • Write ‘she has’, ‘he has’, ‘it has’ in the second column.

I have, You have, They have, We have

She has, he has, it has


  • Tell the students that we use the verb ‘have’ with ‘I’, ‘you’, ‘they’ and ‘we’. Give them examples. Tell them we use the verb ‘has’ with ‘she’, ‘he’ and ‘it’. Give examples:
  • Ask the students if they remember when ‘has’ or ‘have’ is used.
  • Encourage students if they give correct answer. Tell them when we use the verb ‘has’ and ‘have’. Also teach them which pronouns are used with ‘has’ and which pronouns are used with ‘have’ (see information for Teachers)


  • Ask the students to give examples.


Activity 1

  • Ask the students to take out their notebooks.

Write five sentences on the board.

  • Ask the students to put the correct verb in each sentence and write these sentences in their notebooks.

Activity 2

  • Draw two columns on the writing board. Write ‘I do’, ‘you do’, ‘they do’, ‘and we do’ in one column.
  • Write ‘She does’, ‘He does’ in the second column.
  • Tell the students when the verbs ‘do’ and ‘does’ are used (students generally confuse do / does are used with ‘do’ and what pronouns are used with ‘does’
  • Give the students many examples:
  • What you do?
  • My father does business.
  • My mother does household work.
  • We do class work daily etc.
  • Ask the students to give more examples. Help them by giving hints.

Sum up / Conclusion

  • Review the lesson by asking the students questions:
  • What verbs are used with ‘i’, ‘you’, ‘she’, ‘it’ etc.?


  • Assess the students` understanding of ‘be’, ‘do’ and ‘have’ verbs through their correct responses during activity 2 and sum up.
  • Take an oral or written quiz after a few days t assess the students` understanding of the auxiliary verbs.
  • Involve the student in solving the exercise at the end of unit / chapter in the textbook.

Follow up

  • Write ten sentences on the board. Ask the students to copy the sentences in their notebooks.
  • Tell them that they have to read the sentences carefully and write verbs in the blanks. Give this activity as homework.


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