Lesson Planning of Block, Column, and Bar Graphs Subject Mathematics Grade 5th


Lesson Planning of Block, Column, and Bar Graphs

Subject Mathematics

Grade 5th

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Draw blocks graphs or column graphs.
  • Read a simple bar graph given in horizontal and vertical form.
  • Interpret a simple bar graph given in horizontal and vertical form.
  • Define and organize a given data.

Information for Teachers

  • A bar graph is a graph with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent. The bar can be plotted vertically or horizontally.
  • It has a graph label and vertical line called “Y- axis” and horizontal line called “X-axis”.
  • Each line has a relevant label.
  • Value of both axis starts from “0”
  • The height of the bars depends on the value which they represent.
  • A column graph is a graph which is used in organizing and displaying categorically data. 

  • A Block Graph is a simple chart which displays units of data with blocks. Block Graphs have two axes and are a common method of recording information in Math for an ‘X axis’ and a ‘Y axis’. Blocks representing units of data, Scales of Measurement to show how much each block represents.

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk / marker, duster, pencil, graph paper, pictures of pets and fruits, and ruler


  • Tell the students today we will learn about graphs.
  • Ask from students how many of you have pets in their homes, raise your hands?
  • What pets do you have at home?
  • Draw a table on the board and write the names of 4 common pets like the table give below. Ask the students to come forward and put a tick mark against the pet they would like to have.
  • Now count the ticks and make a table as shown.

  • Tell the students if we make pictures in front of each number of pets then it will be a picture graph.


Activity 1

  • Ask them can we show this information in another form?
  • Tell them that we can show this information in the form of a bar graph which is like a picture graph but does n`t have pictures instead it has bars.

Steps to make bar graph:

  • Decide a title of your graph e.g. most favourite pets.
  • Draw vertical and horizontal axis.
  • Label horizontal axis as name of pets and vertical axis as number of pets.
  • Draw the length of bar according to the number of pets.

  • Write an example on the board.
  • Ali went for a walk outside and saw some dogs, ducks, and spiders. He made a table of the animals he saw.

  • Ask students to work in pairs and draw a bar graph for the table given above.
  • Draw the horizontal and vertical axis on the board. Draw the pictures of animals on the vertical axis and write the numbers on the horizontal axis.
  • Students may be confused that the bars are to be drawn in the horizontal direction but let them try. Tell them that we can draw bar graphs both horizontally and vertically.
  • After they tried draw the graph on the board.

  • Ask from students with the help of graph that can you tell me number of pets with the help of graph?
  • Help them to understand what it means by the height of the bars and how we can count number of pets from this graph.
  • Ask them which sport they like and make a table on the board to show the results (Hockey, volley ball, cricket or football)
  • Ask them to individually draw first a vertical and then a horizontal bar graph to show how many students like each game. For a horizontal graph show Games on vertical axis and number of students on horizontal axis. Change the axis for vertical graph.

  • See this graph and answer the following questions:
  • What is shown on horizontal axis? (Expected answer; Number of students or name of sport name)
  • What is the vertical axis of graph shows?
  • In which game students showed more interest?
  • How many more students are in cricket as compare to hockey?
  • Define next type of graph “Block Graph” that it is a graph that shows numbers or amounts as group of rectangles of different sizes.
  • As the students which fruit they like?
  • Students will name various fruits. Ask one student to draw these fruits on the board to make rest of the students understand the procedure of making block graph.

  • Keeping in view the previous practice of bar graph, then draw a block graph according to the response of the students.

Sum up / Conclusion

  • Tell the students that today we have discussed about bar graphs and block graph in mathematics and how can we draw it in real life. Repeat the key terms regarding graph.
  • A bar graph is a graph with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent. The bars can be plotted vertically or horizontally.
  • It has a graph label and vertical line called “Y-axis” and horizontal line called “X-axis”. Each line has a relevant label.
  • Value of both axis start from”0”
  • The height of the bars depends on the value which they represent.


  • Give them a table of marks of few students they got in Mathematics exam and according to that table ask them to draw a graph based on the table in their notebooks.

  • Take a round of the lass and check their work individually.
  • Appreciate the correct work.
  • In the end explain it to those students who give wrong answers.

Follow up

  • Assign following types of questions to the students from text book to see how much they have learned in today`s lesson.
  • Ask the students to make horizontal and vertical graphs for the marks obtained in different subjects in the last annual exam.


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