Lesson Planning of Elements of Story Writing Subject English Grade 3rd


Lesson Planning of Elements of Story Writing

Subject English

Grade 3rd

Students` Learning Outcomes

  • Identify the basic elements of a story:

      1. Beginning, middle and end
      2. Characters
      3. Place and time

  • Use critical thinking to respond to the text (post reading)
  • Apply world knowledge and own opinion to the text read.
  • Relate what is read to them writing experiences.

Information for Teachers

  • Plot: It is the arrangement of events in the story. The beginning, middle and end of the story make the plot of the story.
  • Each story has a problem or conflict to solve.
  • The characters of the story are the people/animals in the story that do all the actions. If the characters are animals and the story has a moral also it is called fables.
  • Dialogues are all the sentences / statements given to the characters.
  • Setting is the ‘place’ and ‘time’ when and where the story takes place.
  • The beginning introduces the characters, the setting and the problem of the story.
  • In the middle, the problem is developed.
  • The end tells how the problem is solved.
  • Theme: It is the central idea of the story.
  • Role play: It is to perform the story using dialogues and actions.
  • Note: The teacher should be able to read out the story to the class with effective intonation and expression. It will capture the interest of the students.
  • Please note that the story has been slightly changed to avoid the negative effect of killing the grandmother.
  • The role-play will help the students understand the story better. They will be able to attempt the written task easily.
  • This plan can be conducted in two lessons.
  • In the first lesson all the elements of the story: plot, characters, scene / setting, them (main idea), moral can be discussed that is activity 1, 2, & 3.
  • In the second lesson, the students will develop a role play and act it out for better understanding that is activity 4, 5 & 6.
  • While teaching the lesson, the teacher should also use the textbook at all steps here and when it is required.

Material / Resources

Writing board, chalk / marker, duster, the text of the story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ or any other story that the teacher plans to read from the textbook, template for graphic organizer, textbook, chart


  • Ask the students if they are fond of listening to reading stories;
  • Which are their favourite stories?
  • How many of them know the story of Little Red Riding Hood?
  • Can they relate / tell the story to the class?

  • Say that you will read out the story so that those who have never heard it may also learn about it.


Activity 1

  • Read aloud the story clearly and loud enough for the whole class to hear. The rise and fall of tone should indicate the emotions of innocence, fear, suspense, and excitement.
  • Change your voice to act out the role of the girl, the wolf, the grandmother and the woodcutter. 
  • change your voice to act out the role of the girl, the wolf, the grandmother and the woodcutter.
  • Pause and repeat the sentences if you feel that the class is having a problem in following you.

Activity 2

  • After reading the story tell the students the elements of stories.
  • Stories have a plot: beginning, middle and end.
  • Explain the characters, theme and scene /setting to the students.
  • Ask the students to answer the following questions:
  • What are the elements of the stories? (Expected answer; The elements of the story are : plot, characters, theme, scene /setting.) image 2

Name the characters of the story Little Red Riding Hood.(Expected answer; The characters are: Little Red Riding Hood, mother, grandmother, woodcutter and the wolf)

  • Where is the scene of story set? (expected answer; It is set at Red Riding Hood`s house, forest, and grandmother`s house)

Activity 3

  • Ask the students:
  • What did you enjoy in the story?
  • What were your feelings during different stages of the story?
  • Were you afraid when you found the wolf talking to Red Riding Hood in the forest? (Suspense)
  • Ask the students what moral lesson they have learnt from the story.

Activity 4

  • Model for the students how to act out the story. If the teacher is too shy to do it, the students will be shy too. So the teacher has to be confident and relaxed when he/she shows them how to act out the story.
  • Or allow the most confident students to perform the roles and act out the story.
  • Once the students understand the story, discuss the story with them.
  • Ask the students to develop a role play.
  • Give a chance to all the students to act it out. It would make them realize the importance of each character, place and time.
  • Allow them ten minutes preparation time.
  • Ask the class to attentively watch the students as they perform /enact the story.

Activity 5

  • Recall the structure of a paragraph that it consists of a beginning, middle and end (The topic sentence, details and conclusion)
  • Give the worksheet to the students, If the worksheet is not available. Make the table on the board and ask the students to copy it in their notebooks.
  • Revise all the questions with the students by asking them questions related to the worksheet.
  • Tell them to focus on the question words learnt in a previous lesson (who, what, when, why and how) to locate the required information.
  • After detailed discussion ask them to complete the written work at home.

Sum up / Conclusion

  • Ask the students the following questions, at the end of the reading of any story:

      1. What is the theme of story?
      2. How did the story start?
      3. How did it end?
      4. Did you like the ending?
      5. What happened in the middle of the story?
      6. Name the characters of the story.
      7. Where was the scene set?

  • Do your parents also tell you not to talk to strangers, like the wolf in the story, when you go out alone?
  • How can you keep yourself safe when you are out alone?
  • Where were you afraid for little red riding hood when you were listening to the story?
  • Respect individual opinions and answers.
  • Find the exercise related to the topic in the textbook. Students must dio this exercise in the notebook or on the textbook


  • Choose a story from the textbook the student have read only. Ask the students to identify its beginning, middle and end, characters, place and time.
  • Also, ask them to express their own opinions about the story. Take this as an oral class quiz first and as a written quiz later.
  • Teacher can also use ‘The Thirsty Crow’ for formal assessment.
  • Teacher can also use the following worksheet for formal assessment:

  • Write the details about the story:
  • Title: _____________________________
  • Characters` name: ___________________
  • Main idea: _________________________
  • Scene / setting: _____________________
  • Story details, as;

    1. Beginning: ________________________
    2. Middle: __________________________
    3. End: __________________________

  • Moral (if any): _____________________

Follow up

  • Give the students the worksheet about story details and ask them to complete it.
  • The students must paste the worksheet in their notebooks.
  • Their written homework assignment must be checked by the teacher the next day.
  • Ask the students to read fairy tales, folk tales or other stories and keep a record of all the books they read. Announce a prize for the student who reads the greatest number of books in a month.
  • Read out other stories to them in the class. Fix one day of the week for story time (10-15 minutes)



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